YO! Im a goofy lad, who enjoys slapping his thighs on midnight. I am a musician. A very good drummer, a decent keys player, a decent singer, and an ok ukulele player. I LOVE MUSIC. Especially synchronizing and harmonizing with other people. I thoroughly enjoy eating healthy, trying new foods like grass fed beef liver to see if I will have more energy, better focus, clearer skin, etc. I enjoy jamming on my keys at night after work, playing and learning songs stuck in my head. I am a digestion GOD. If you have stomach problems hmu. I can help you heal yourself. It's easy. Its dumb how simple it is once you learn. I mean from the place of sickness it is always complex, but from the outside its very easy. You can do it! Chronic health conditions I have overcome in my lifetime (I mean completely healed)
IBS, Lymes, Chronic Fatigue, REALLY Severe Acne, Underweight, Poor digestion, Depression (mild).
I am not perfect and health is a vehicle, not a destination, and there is a spectrum that I continually climb. Perfect health may not exist, but you damn well bet im running in that direction. I am determined to feel good, all day long, everyday. Helping other people live their best lives and know who they are. I am a spiritual person but I dont like the word spiritual. There are no words to describe a spiritual thing. The mere use of words takes the spirituality away from it right?! Anyways ive got way more shit to talk about, im passionate about a lot of things. IM usually a pretty chill guy, but tonight im hyped haha.
I consume content regarding the following:
Comedy (I love laughing, important for health)
Music (Not mainstream, to name a few artists I like: vulfpeck, jacob collier, fat night, and so so so much more)
DIY/Build videos. Im very hands on like to build things myself.
Spiritual shit. On and off now.
I have a youtube channel at 680k. It is called Sean Hogan. Check it out!
My problem is that I have a channel currently that I got burnt-out with. I was creating content for the wrong reasons. The history of the channel is complex, but the short hand of it is I was once creating stuff out of passion, a slightly for profit, then it morphed into something I was trying to squeeze a living out of, and I was doing it terribly. Ive been off of video making for two months now as I got a 'normal' job (I work at an epic zipline course so its pretty cool) Now I still want to be a content creator (I think haha, idk it was a lot of stress), but I really want to stay true to myself. This problem is pretty complex as there are more factors besides me getting burnt out. I want to create multiple channels and actually have my own network. But then again I wonder if that is really what I want. I want to make a killing and my goal is to be a millionaire by the end of the next four years (or sooner) yet I don't want to burn out. Right now I have many projects half ass started. (This is the story of my life). I can start things like a boss. I can make those tough decisions to get the ball rolling. Its following through I have trouble with. So I have multiple channels. One for health and thriving because I need to give back to the web that helped me. One for personal original music things. My "Sean Hogan" channel with all its goofs and gafs. A channel for late night jam sessions. And thats about it. The countless other projects under my belt that I have either not completed or completed are too many to mention, but if anyone is interested Id be happy to share. Im just trying to find that smooth groove or 'pocket' as we drummer say, to sit into nicely. Of the other things I've done I have; created an online course to help people heal their acne. Sold zero courses. Do I compile all my passions into one channel? Do I use my channel with 680k subs or start a new channel? (Algorithmically this is a tough question, and asking that question means I am worried about views, which makes me aware that im starting to loose grip on what I want to create, vs what I feel I must create to gain approval, and money from the web.)
-Alright that's enough of my problems for the time being. I have faith something will work out. Heck I even thought it could be really cool to strap a gopro to my body and film some amazing Maui footage at the ziplines I work at (up in the mountains the views re NUTS) and then slap a voice over on top of that and call that my channel :0
Sean Hogan
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