Dictator Mind
Mind = The ultimate insecure dictator
The mind is the most power-hungry entity there is in the whole Universe. Why?
  • Can you effortlessly stay on an idea for too long?
  • Can you meditate easily without being bombarded with a barrage of seemingly disjointed thoughts?
  • Can you operate throughout a day without comparing yourself to literally everyone on anything & everything (e.g., running style, conversation-quality, clothing, sense of humour etc.)?
  • Can you express yourself & be totally indifferent to what & how you express it?
  • Can you peacefully sit by yourself and do absolutely nothing?
I'm guessing just like me, the answer to most of these questions for most of you is no too. Unfortunate, but true. And I'm guessing this is no new information for any of you either. But what I do wanna draw your attention towards is the underlying theme in all this. Did you recognize one already?
Looks like it's not just the tech companies that are extremely hungry of the most important resource you possess: attention. Your own mind is playing the same game too. But since the mind is something that is so intrinsically our own, we never quite question its working. We're too deeply attached to it to look at it objectively. This is why things like stoicism & meditation are so important. You'll have to separate yourself from your mind to observe its profoundly self-serving nature.
Become the observer & you'll start to realize why the mind always keeps us running in loops in our heads. Why it is always so restless. Why it creates an imaginary image about you that dictate every last thought, action, & emotion of yours (think about walking on the street and being conscious of your gait, or speaking publicly in a class/meeting and brooding about how and what you said). We're always stuck in our heads.
Meditation = Death of the mind
Therefore, the mind never allows it. This is why it'll create all sorts of excuses in your head to postpone doing things that your intellectual plane of consciousness knows will make you mentally tough (exercise, meditation, self-inquiry). It is scared to lose power over you.
Yes, that is correct. You just used your mind to unearth its own sinister ploy! Achievement unlocked.
Siddharth Saini
Dictator Mind
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