Oct '22 (edited) in Other
Why I Create Practice Routines and DRILLS!
What's up Kings and Queens, Legends and Chosen Ones. Today I would like to talk about how I personally like to practice my speaking. Here is a video I made specifically for this post: https://youtu.be/kFq67_OZpqw
If you want to get good at anything and build valuable skills, you need to have a metric fuckton of deliberate practice under your belt.
What is Deliberate Practice?
Deliberate practice is doing something that is training a very specific skill very intentionally. Where you're training something with enormous amounts of conscious effort. Not merely just putting in the reps, but putting in conscious reps where you try to expand yourself outside of your comfort zone to hit that flow state, and even beyond into zones of discomfort, where you can really grow. Even Arnold Schwarzenegger knew this, where he would say “one conscious rep is worth ten unconscious reps”. He would actually visualise and WILL blood going into the specific muscle he's working.
Now, when it comes to training skills beyond athleticism, it becomes tricky. How do you train skills such as writing, speaking, marketing, teaching, and running seminars? You have to create your own practice routines! You have to invent them. Use the power of your own creativity to come up with a routine.
You need to TRAIN yourself!
No Growth Possible Without Training! https://youtu.be/vYAEr_94EDY
Great story in this video where he talks about Demosthenes, the greatest orator in ancient Athens.
He would create drills such as:
  • He built a room underground where he would study the greatest speeches of his time.
  • He would stuff his mouth with pebbles that would force him to articulate his words.
  • He would run along the sea shore and recite speeches so he could train his lung capacity.
  • He would deliver his speeches to loud crashing waves to practice projection of his voice.
You need to create DRILLS for yourself to train up the skills that you require for your craft.
Here are 2 more Practice routines I made that day that I think are pretty decent.
Christian Vandaos
Why I Create Practice Routines and DRILLS!
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