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⚡ Live Focus Meditation is happening in 14 hours
Improve Your Productivity With This Little-Known Screen Light Modulation App
Hey Supercharged Entrepreneurs, You know that bright light at night can keep you awake. You probably know that wearing blue light blocking glasses (like these Swanwick Sleep blue light blocking glasses) helps you fall asleep faster and deeper. What you might not know is that you can improve your ability to focus and increase your energy throughout the day by having your computer screen produce the right type of light at the right time. That's where this simple app, IRIS, comes in. IRIS modulates the light emitted from your screen throughout the day to protect your eyes from strain, keep you focused and gradually calm you down as night time arrives. I've been using Iris for about 5 years so it's about time I share it with you now Supercharged Entrepreneurs. You can download IRIS for FREE by clicking here. Remember Supercharged Entrepreneurs all these 1% marginal gains stack to produce dramatic results in business and life. To your success in health, wealth, love and happiness, Mark Dhamma, MA High-Performance Coach to Entrepreneurs Helping You Increase Your Energy, Focus & Productivity So You Can Grow Your Business FASTER, Without Burnout. CEO & Founder of Supercharged Entrepreneurs P.S. Join my FREE community of Supercharged Entrepreneurs for free resources and courses helping you increase your energy, focus and productivity, so you can grow your business faster without burnout! Includes live guided meditation, breath work, productivity courses and much more! Click here to join! =================== WHAT I DO: =================== 1-1 Business Growth Consulting Session For Business owners with revenues of 6 or 7 figures... I'll Show You How To Rapidly Grow Your Revenue & Profits- GUARANTEED RESULTS OR YOUR MONEY BACK!
NEW 5-Minute Morning Routine Crushes Grogginess
Hey Supercharged Entrepreneurs, Do you ever wake up feeling like a zombie, struggling to shake off that morning brain fog? As entrepreneurs, we can't afford to let grogginess steal our precious, productive morning hours. That's why I'm excited to share with you this simple yet incredibly effective 5-minute routine that will have you bouncing out of bed, ready to seize the day like the Supercharged Entrepreneur you are! (BTW I learned this routine at the Optimized Life, invite only, biohacking mastermind this past weekend at Ben Greenfield's home in Washington with Cary Jack's, Happy Hustle Club.) Step 1: Hydrate Your Way to Clarity Start your day by drinking 500ml of clean water. (Pro-Tip: prepare the water the night before and leave it on your nightstand so you're ready to wake up and drink!) This simple act kickstarts your metabolism, flushes out toxins, and rehydrates your brain, leaving you feeling refreshed and alert. Plus, it gets your lymphatic system moving, which is crucial for maintaining a healthy immune system and keeping your body in peak performance mode. Step 2: Shine Bright with BEACON40 Next, turn on a bright light at 40hz, like the BEACON40. Exposure to this specific frequency of light has been shown to improve focus, memory, and overall cognitive function. By bathing your brain in this energizing light, you'll give yourself a mental edge that lasts throughout the day. Kiss that brain fog goodbye and hello to laser-sharp focus! Step 3: Bounce Your Way to Energy Now, it's time to get your body moving. Jump for 10 minutes on a rebounder or your kids' trampoline for a quick burst of physical activity. This simple act stimulates your lymphatic system, which helps remove toxins and waste products from your body. Plus, the gentle bouncing motion gets your blood pumping and releases endorphins, leaving you feeling energized and ready to tackle your morning's 'needle work'.
Hello Supercharged Entrepreneur. We have some issues with The meditation link. Here the new to join Meditation Start in 10 minutes
This is what ELITE entrepreneurs are doing for more energy...
Dear Supercharged Entrepreneurs, Do you ever wonder how some entrepreneurs seem to have it all together? They're bursting with energy, crushing their goals, and making it look effortless. Well, I'm here to tell you that you can have that too. In fact, I'm writing this email from the front lines of peak performance, at Ben Greenfield's exclusive Optimized Life Business Mastermind. You might know Ben – he's a New York Times bestselling author and one of the top 100 most influential health and fitness influencers worldwide. And guess what? He's also a very accomplished entrepreneur. I'm here with him and 15 other top-tier entrepreneurs, uncovering the cutting-edge strategies, tools, and hacks that can help you tap into your full potential and skyrocket your business success. Picture this: you start your day with the BioCharger, a game-changing device that aligns your mind and body, allowing you to work with unparalleled efficiency. It delivers healing energy waves that realign your entire being, improving your mobility, flexibility, and overall performance. Imagine how unstoppable you'll feel when you're operating at your peak. But I didn't stop there. I also jumped into an infrared sauna with some mobility tools to release tight muscles, detox, and recharge my cells. And let me tell you, Supercharged Entrepreneurs, the mental clarity and physical energy you'll experience after this is out of this world. To take it up a notch, I spent an hour on the PEMF Pro XL, combining gratitude, prayer, and meditation for the ultimate mind-body-soul reboot. This is the kind of stuff that separates the average entrepreneurs from the ELITE performers. We didn't just focus on biohacking, though. After an intense group workout (led by yours truly), we fueled up with a nourishing organic breakfast and then dove into some friendly competition with games like cornhole, spikeball, and Aero Sport – the military's latest obsession. These activities aren't just fun; they sharpen your mental agility and help you build unbreakable bonds with other high-performers.
Are You Guilty of This?
Hey Supercharged Entrepreneurs, Are you guilty of shrinking your business goals to make them seem more achievable? It's a common trap many entrepreneurs fall into, but it's limiting your true potential. Today I'm headed to Spokane, WA to Ben Greenfield's Biohacking Compound to spend the weekend with him and fellow optimizing business owners. During my layover at Denver airport, I had a coaching call with my 1-1 ELITE VIP client, Brian Moncada, CEO of the fast-growing agency Brian's goal is to 3X his revenue to $1 Million a month. However, today I noticed his language that he and his team had started focusing on a monthly revenue goal of $500k, even though the real target was $1 million. Sound familiar? Here's the problem: When you lower your goal posts, you also lower your thinking, ideas, and actions to match that reduced goal. If you want to hit $1 million a month, you need to have "$1 million a month" conversations, ideas and plans. Brian realized he had let himself get distracted from the ultimate objective by shrinking to fit a lesser goal. The solution? Unwavering clarity and communication of the $1 million a month target with his entire team. No ifs, ands, or buts about it. As the leader, it's your job to hold the high standard and clearly direct where YOUR company is going. The team should rise up to meet your vision, not the other way around. You call the shots. Now, this doesn't mean doing a million things at once or blowing everything up. It simply means getting laser-focused on the true prize and reverse engineering the path to get there, mapping key milestones along the way. For example, if the immediate focus is dialing in your front-end offer to lay the groundwork, great. But you also need to define what comes next to hit the $1 million mark, like bolstering your back-end in Q3, and put those initiatives on the roadmap too. There's difference in strategy and execution if you're training for a marathon vs. half-marathon.
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