Mark Dhamma, MA
This FREE Google Chrome App Saved Me 7 Hours A Week
This FREE Google Chrome App Saved Me 7 Hours A Week
I hate to admit it.
I knew it was a bad habit but I didn't know how much it was really costing me.
It seemed like it wasn't a big deal at first.
And maybe you don't think it's a big deal either...
...until you look at the DATA!
You see, whenever I would look at my YouTube channel stats, I would usually see 1 or 2 interesting videos in my feed.
10-30 mins later I would realize that I got sucked into these damn videos and forgot what I was supposed to be doing!
After looking at the data, I was spending 7 hours a week watching these videos during my WORK TIME!
That's a whole day's work GONE to YouTube videos!
My hourly rate is $5000.00/hr so I was spending $35,000 a week (of lost revenue) on YouTube!
If you're having the same issue with the YouTube feed fear not {{contact.first_name}}!
I found this FREE Google Chrome App that BLOCKS the YouTube Feed so you can't get distracted!
The best thing about it is you can still search YouTube.
However, you won't see that devious algorithmic feed designed by the smartest minds in the world to keep you addicted!
You're welcome.
BTW do you have any tools that help you increase your focus and productivity?
Comment below to share!
Stay healthy, stay focused,
Mark Dhamma, MA
High-Performance Coach to Entrepreneurs BS Sports Science & Physiology.
MA Positive Organizational Psychology.
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