Mark Dhamma, MA
The Power of Pause: How Strategic Rest Unlocks Unprecedented Success for Entrepreneurs
The Power of Pause: How Strategic Rest Unlocks Unprecedented Success for Entrepreneurs
Listen Supercharged Entrepreneurs, if you're anything like me, you might often find yourself caught in the cycle of trying to do too much.
In the relentless pursuit of success, it's easy to overlook a crucial aspect: REST.
But here's the thing, resting and recovering over the weekend are not just advantageous—they're vital for your long-term success.
You, as an entrepreneur, are a visionary, a trailblazer, an initiator. Yet, amidst all the action, the risk of burnout is real.
If you're pushing yourself to the brink, it's time to pause, slow down, and embrace the transformative power of rest.
The Game-Changing Power of Rest and Recovery
Productivity isn't just about constant action—it's about strategic rest as well.
Consider a soccer match, a sport I've loved since my days growing up in Manchester, England (United is my team).
Players give their all during the game, but after they to rest, rehydrate, refuel and refocus.
Just like these athletes, you need to recharge your batteries to maintain your entrepreneurial edge.
Your Ideal Weekend for Rest and Recovery
So, how might a restful weekend look for you Supercharged Entrepreneurs?
Let's envision it:
Saturday: Perhaps your day starts early with a few hours of 'needle work'. (I like to do a 5-6.30am session).
Then, balance that mental activity with some physical exercise.
On Saturday's I do a 40-mile fasted bike ride with 30, middle aged cyclists who I can barely keep up with. It's challenging, but it helps clear your mind and stay fit.
Next, step away from work and engage with your loved ones and your community—much like I do during my kids soccer games.
In the afternoon, I strongly recommend a nap and/or doing some volunteer work to add meaning.
(Tomorrow I'm helping a friend from church move.)
To cap off the day, plan a DATE NIGHT—a comedy club, a concert, or a quiet dinner.
It's easy to neglect your partner when you're focused on business but neglect it at your perel. (I currently have 2 friend going through the divorce process and it aint' pretty!)
Begin your day with a personal or spiritual practice that helps you reflect and realign, a practice I embrace with a yoga session with my wife followed by church services.
Then, consider a low-impact workout like swimming—a great way to stay fit and have fun.
The remainder of the day could be spent preparing for the week ahead, much like my family's meal-prepping sessions.
Your Path to a Restful, Recharging Weekend
The key is REST & RECOVER.
Even if you tend to pack your schedule, as I often do, integrating rest and recovery into your weekend can lead to a renewed sense of energy and focus.
Balance activities that rejuvenate you physically, mentally, and emotionally.
As we head into this weekend, carve out time for rest and recovery.
Watch a sports game, spend time with your loved ones, engage in a hobby, or simply take a moment to breathe.
Remember, recharging your batteries isn't a luxury—it's a necessity.
Taking time to rest and recover over the weekend isn't just about improving your productivity during the week—it's about cultivating a sustainable lifestyle that fosters success and wellbeing in equal measure.
Give yourself the gift of a restful, recharging weekend. You deserve it.
Reply to let me know how you'll make the most of this weekend Supercharged Entrepreneurs?
Mark Dhamma, MA
High-Performance Coach to Entrepreneurs BS Sports Science & Physiology.
MA Positive Organizational Psychology.
Helping You Make More Money, By Increasing Your Energy, Focus & Productivity, Without The Burnout!
CEO & Founder of Supercharged Entrepreneurs
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