James Gulland
Decent co-working / co-living spaces outside of Chiang Mai
Decent co-working / co-living spaces outside of Chiang Mai
Hey gang,
I will be visiting Thailand for a period of 2 months this October and November, to trial working remotely for the first time, which I am super excited about!
I have seen a few really good recommendations of co-working / co-living places in Chiang Mai, but I was wondering if anyone has any good recommendations outside of Chiang Mai, but still within Thailand only?
Ideally, I would like to be somewhere a little less busy than Chiang Mai, ideally on an island or nearer to the sea. Somewhere like Koh Chang or Koh Lanta. I have had a brief look on Google Maps but there doesnt seem to be a huge choice outside the major cities like Bangkok and Chiang Mai, but I could be wrong.
Anyone got any recommendations?
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