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FREE Training: How To Launch Your Coaching Offer To 35k/month
If you are wanting to create a consulting/coaching type offer this training is for you. If you want to scale your current coaching business to 35k/month this will give you the roadmap. Maybe you are an agency owner wanting to start consulting instead of focusing on done for you services. This is for you. Or possibly you have a set of skills and experience that you want to package up and sell. This is for you. Comment below "launch" and I'll send it over to you via DM.
New comment 7h ago
FREE Training: How To Launch Your Coaching Offer To 35k/month
Hosting a free call this Friday to dial in your offer
This call will be about helping you clarify your offer. If your offer isn't something that aligns with what you want to sell and what the market wants than you are screwed. Let's brainstorm how to create your unique offer that aligns with your skills, season of life, problems you want to solve, and what the market wants. I may do these types of calls occasionally if its fun. If you didn't know. Business should be fun. If it ain't fun I don't want none. Comment below if you are gonna come. 👇
New comment 24d ago
Should you launch a coaching offer as an agency owner?
As an agency owner I switched my focus to a coaching/consulting offer and couldn't be more happy with the decision. Get paid for giving advice and coaching people through struggles you have already faced. What a great model. Lots of benefits but profit has been the major. 90% margins will bring some stress levels down. Also good for the family with less stressed Dad. So many agency owners think they are going to scale their way out of pain but the business model is what's keeping you stressed out of your mind. I still have my DFY services but a consulting offer just makes a lot of sense for many agency owners. If you've been running an agency for a good amount of time I guarantee you there are people on your list already that would take you up on a consulting offer. They want to learn how to fish for themselves. It's also a different type of relationship with your clients. Instead of just being an other agency where you are seen as a commodity. They come to you for your expertise. There's more respect and it tends to bring on clients that aren't codependent. Meaning they understand they gotta put in the work to get the results. If you are an agency owner and want to launch a consulting offer that's something I help with in my Freedom Creator Mentorship. If you feel called to serve in this type of capacity I'd be happy to help. Just shoot me a DM and I'll send over the details.
Should you launch a coaching offer as an agency owner?
The #1 Way To Scale Is Through Paid Ads... Here's a few tips I've learned
After spending over $200,000 of my own money on ads I've learned a few things. 1. Create a budget you are willing to spend regardless of results. Maybe that's just $20/day. In the beginning you are paying to learn the game. This really puts your mind at ease because the worse thing you can do is make it so high stakes and "this has to work" type energy into it and you just give up and throw in the towel way to soon. 2. Do video ads and create 10 different hooks that can attach to like 2-3 main portions of content. So the hook is just the first 5-15 seconds. Now you have a ton of marketing assets you can test. Just edit each main portion of content to have each 10 hooks on it. Now you can test up to 30 variations. 3. Make sure you have a strong content strategy in place. Check out the "direct brand funnel" training in the classroom for more on this. But I've realized content is king for sure. It greases up the whole sales process. I spent way to many years grinding gears because I didn't have the grease. Strong content will make your business more enjoyable. 4.Consistently create new ads on the regular. Always be testing is a principle you shouldn't ignore when it comes to ads. You never know which new angle is going to take off. 5.Emotionally, it can be a bit of a roller coaster. I know when my ads aren't hitting I can tend to get down and feel sorry for myself lol. Try to stay logical about it, analyze what part needs fixing, and get to work. I recently realized my damn custom conversion was setup wrong so my ads were wasting money and I was confused as to why it wasn't converting. It wasn't till 4 days I realized this and actually diagnosed the issue. I love paid ads, always have. It's what saved my gym when I ran that and it's what grew my marketing business. It's 100% worth committing to figuring out because it definitely feels like printing money when you get it down. Also, if you want 1-1 help from me scaling your agency or coaching business I just opened the doors to my Freedom Creators coaching program. The doors close on July 3rd. So if you are somewhat interested in this shoot me a DM here on Skool and I'll send you over the details of the program.
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