Sort of a new philosophy I'm adopting. I wouldn't say I have a full grasp on this but it deeply resonates. Think about it. Your business brings some sort of transformation. Wealth, health, spiritual, emotional, etc... So many other businesses and coaches do the exact same things as you. At least on the surface level. But that's not how we learn or achieve breakthrough. We learn from people we resonate with. We connect with people that have similar stories and backgrounds as us. Similar interests and worldviews. We achieve transformation best in a tribe. A community. So if you don't rise up and take your place I think there is a void in the marketplace. A bunch of people that will never get the help they needed because they were waiting for you to come along and guide them through their transformation. This is how you can eliminate the scarcity competitive mindset. Because you are showing up as the real you. You've done the hard work to clearly identify your values, aspirations, fears, backstory, and how you achieved a transformation. You then get good at teaching and coaching this transformation by creating frameworks that allow people to come to their own "ah ha" moments that shift their life. Then you get good at marketing and communicating through content to demonstrate you are the guide for them. This is the type of business I'm most passionate about helping people build. It allows you to marry your life's work with making great money. And you can enter any "saturated market" because no one has your story. And you only need 50 clients to make 50k/month. I'm sure there are 50 people out there in the world that will uniquely resonate with WHO you are and want to learn from you alone.