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WIN YOUR NICHE (MAY) Entry Due is happening in 2 hours
New Discovery - feedback needed
So I just found out I can see the analytics in my YouTube Studio, and I had been loosely posting (some of) my TikTok shorts to YouTube. This video had the highest number of views of all, and even more views than the orgininal posting on TikTok. The keywords I tagged it with were #weightlossjourney #businessgoals #travelgoals. I may have hit in some NICHE discovery here, what makes this video appealing?
New comment 4d ago
Let's make it even better!
Let us know: - What's one thing we could do in our MAKE IT Series community that would make it worth 10x times the price? BTW this is for value, you're already grandfathered-in at your current membership price.🤩 Be bold, no bad ideas, sky's the limit for brainstorming. Drop it in the comments! ___
Settings question
Is there a way to adjust the readings settings on the skool app? I realize this is MVP ( minimum viable product) but I’d like to switch to dark for high contrast and make the type bigger. It’s difficult for me to read.
New comment 10d ago
Overcoming a need for validation and not playing small anymore
One of the things I still struggle with at 42 in business for about 11 years is proving my worth. It's something I have probably dealt with for most of my life. Seeking external validation and playing life small to go with the flow. As I near 43, I've made a commitment to myself to check-in and ask myself how my seeking validation has helped me thus far in my life and how it has limited me in my life and work. Are there any limiting beliefs you struggle with? What are ways and commitments you're making to yourself make the change today?
New comment Apr 20
Eating (with) the world
It is my great desire - indeed my life’s work – to bring people and food together in a unique and unexpected way. I want to be able to not only share my own creations with others, but to connect over our shared culinary experiences, talking to them about what makes a mere meal into so much more for them. Sharing stories, social bonds, what food really means to us. It is my dream to create a YouTube channel where I can discuss these topics with real-world people, sharing with them the fruits of my own labor, and finding out more about what makes their gustatory wheels turn.
New comment Apr 20
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