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Eat for your blood type
Is the theory that you should eat for your blood type still valid or does that not apply at all when eating carnivore. I've heard some say type O does better on the carnivore diet than AB.
New comment 2d ago
Essential amino acids
Hi Richard and Stephen I came across these supplements when browsing thyroid supplements, called Smart Protein blend by Greenleaf blends. They consist of the essential amino acids and has a big write up about how important these proteins are for thyroid support and healing, very interesting read. There is a lot of info about selenium, iodine and D3 for thyroid online but just wondered your views on taking amino acids extra to what we get from eating meat and other animal proteins. Does it help to give the body a boost of specific amino acids when the body has an immune condition to deal with? Thank you guys.
@Richard Smith apologies for the direct ask but what butchers do you use? I am based in PT looking to change/travel for a good butchers. I’ve been using JNA so far but their burgers and sausages aren’t keto friendly. Think this is what’s been ruining my progress.
New comment 3d ago
Dental Plaque
Since starting carnivore just over a year ago I’ve noticed an increase in dental plaque forming at the back of my lower two front teeth, where saliva is released. I’ve had to visit my dental hygienist more often than usual because I hate how it feels. She said it’s just a normal process and nothing to worry about. I initially felt it was the higher protein diet, but now I’m not so sure. I listened to a presentation recently by Ben Bikman where he was discussing exogenous ketones and how the original older versions contained additional minerals that could cause this type of build up on teeth. He briefly mentioned that it was a preferred or safer way for the excess minerals to be excreted (rather than building up in the body I think). I guess I just want to know if this something to be concerned about, will it stop or settle down, or is it a sign that I’m over consuming electrolytes or calcium maybe? Has anyone else experienced similar on the carnivore diet?
New comment 4d ago
Can being carnivore help heart conditions?
My uncle has just been diagnosed with a heart problem, basically it doesn’t pump the way it should. My instant thought was that carnivore could help him but wondered if anyone has heard anything along those lines that I could recommend for him to listen to? @Stephen Thomas ?
New comment 5d ago
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