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Hi there, as many of you know Richard and I have discussed the idea of making a small charge to run this group. A lot of you were surprised to discover that Skool charges us £99 per month just to have this place. Also many of our members are happy to help out. To this end we now offer you the chance to make a monthly contribution. All you have to do is leave the group and then rejoin USING THIS LINK If you are currently on the free plan and don't wish to pay then we have kept that option open too. it's $4 per month (less than a buck a week) or £3.13 per month in English money. We will continue to offer the weekly live Q&As included in the membership.
New comment 16d ago
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To explain, when you are active, post, comment or engage in some way you accumulate points. You gradually will work your way up to level 9. Along the way you unlock content that is normally paid for. We've added this for the fun side of things and to make as much content free as possible.
New comment 18d ago
The Leaderboard
My Carnivore Diary - Lion Diet from Day 1
Hello! I am starting a diary here in order to help keep me accountable and hopefully provide help to others new to Carnivore. I am not new to Carnivore but have dipped out a few times, however I feel my best when eating this way. I have tried other avenues (still meat heavy) but I am now generally feeling like crap with the foods I've introduced to try and help with athletic performance have not really helped and I find I am further away from my health goals. So, here's an brief introduction: I am 53, 165cm and 81kg which puts me right on the overweight to obese category. I've recently had to start taking blood pressure meds, despite cycling most days. I ache and feel pretty tired even after 9hrs sleep. On the plus side, my cardio fitness seems pretty good and have a HR of 44-48bpm whilst sleeping. Garmin says my Vo2 max in 42.5, which puts me at the top of the 'Good' catagory and Fitness Age of 37. In this diary I will be exploring how a Lion Diet (beef, lamb, eggs, butter, water), fasting and exercise impact me, both positively and negatively. I know at some point around 4-5 weeks, my energy on the bike will take a huge hit which is when I have tried to add carbs back in. I want to push past this and I hope to discover a new energy force! I will be grateful for all encouragement!!
New comment 1h ago
Food request for shopping
We are travelling back from our hols atm & my daughter says can you put mince chicken on your shopping list for a carnivore pizza for tea & egg whites to make your bread please. Absolutely hun!!! How many pizza shall we make ?? I’m so excited as to what other meals we can cook during the holidays. She’s noticed her skin is clearer & not so bloated reducing her carbs. The first holiday she hasn’t had ice-cream (she asked & moaned but we said you don’t need it & didn’t ask again) so proud of her knowing what’s she usually like. 😃❤️
New comment 1h ago
Festival temptations
I’m going to Blue Reef festival this weekend and know I’m going to be tempted to drink. In fact I kind of want to drink as a one off. I love Prosecco but think that’s quite sugary? I’ve heard someone say that tequila is quite a good choice as it’s lo sugar and not grain based like other spirits. Any advice? Also I’m taking electrolytes so gonna try sticking to those for most of the weekend, and some caffeine tablets. If I have a few diet cokes, will the chemicals make me feel as bad as if I just have an actual drink? Food will be fine as I’m taking a cool box of meat and the bbq.
New comment 1h ago
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Low-Carb School
Low-Carb School is an engaging online community dedicated to support and education of people interested in a low-carb, keto and carnivore lifestyle.
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