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🏠 - The Membership™ is now live! 🏠
If we could get you just ONE new listing each month, for ONLY $97/Mo... ​ Would you take that offer? ​ Don't worry about giving us any money just yet. ​ Let me ask you... How are you getting listings now? Well, our top method right now is YouTube Ads. ​ After working with 300+ realtors at, this is by far the best strategy to get listings CONSISTENTLY. And the top top guys like Ryan Serhant, Levi Lascak, Krista Mashore, they all run YouTube Ads. ​ So right now I want to give you the most incredible free gift ever. In fact, I want to give you three gifts. ​ Gift #1: I had a YouTube Ad that generated over $100,000 in 11 months for one of my client in a very competitive market. I'm going to give you that EXACT ad and a full breakdown of me explaining to you why we said what we said, when we said it and what I would do differently today. ​ You're not going to find this anywhere else because there's not many real estate agents that have done $100,000 in commissions with one single YouTube Ad. ​ Gift #2: Full breakdown on how to record your very first ad so it FITS your market, ideal client and your personality. ​ You'll learn How long it should be, where to record it, what to wear and more importantly, EXACTLY what to say. ​ Gift #3: "Ultimate Listings" strategy. ​ This is a step by step training that will show you exactly what to do right now to get a listing in the next 5 days without spending a ton of money on ads. So if you're stuck, watch that training and I promise you, you will know exactly how to get your next listing now. ​ If you want all these 3 gifts for free, here's my offer. ​ I want to give you these free gifts as a blatant bribe to join - The Membership. ​ The point of the event is simple. ​ You've had enough courses, you've had enough training, you now need execution. ​ Every single month we do a live call where we bring agents on and we help you get your next listing. ​ And everybody in the community follows along, watches and gets their next listing too.
New comment 4d ago
🏠 - The Membership™ is now live! 🏠
[Start Here] Do This Now! 🚀
Welcome to Listings with YouTube Ads! 👉 PLEASE COMPLETE THESE 3 STEPS NOW: It'll cover the next steps, how to use Skool and how to launch your first ads. STEP #1: Watch this welcome video below. STEP #2: Learn how to record your video ads here STEP #3: Learn what agents in Listing Accelerator are doing right now to get listings with YouTube Ads here ---------------------------- Need Help? Post your questions in the Skool community!
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New comment 9d ago
[Start Here] Do This Now! 🚀
Hello, meet Kristine holdrigde, a Professional loan officer, and Business Development manager. Worry no more about high interest rates loans. I can help you secure your loan application today, to enable you fund your dream.
Hiring Sales Reps! (Make $15-30k/mo within 60 days)
Make $15K-$30k/mo Within 60 Days | LIMITED TIME OPPORTUNITY We help Real Estate Agents get more listings with YouTube Ads and... We’re on the hunt for 2 Sales Representatives to help take us to $10,000,000 annually. The position will require you to sign up new agents that are a good fit in our program every week from the 100+ inbound demo calls we get every month. What’s in it for you? - ✅ Make $15-30k per month CONSISTENTLY + Your earnings are not capped - ✅ Work from anywhere in the world - ✅ Sell a program that fixes a huge problem, with hundreds of case studies and a true satisfaction guarantee - ✅ Access to our in-depth training on appointment setting and closing - The single most important skill to have in this day and age. If you have this, you’ll NEVER go broke in your entire life, impossible. (Over $100K worth of programs, courses and trainings) - ✅ I’m personally closing $160k+ in revenue every month and generated over $2,000,000 through demo calls - I would be working with you every step of the way. - ✅ Unique opportunity to be responsible to build from $1M/y to $10M/y. If this seems interesting, watch this quick video to learn more:
New comment 1d ago
AI for leads is INSANE
25$ per lead generated with an AI that can make 1000 calls a minute. I’ve realized that AI is the future. To think that those who have these types of systems in place by the end of the year will totally dominate those using outdated strategies. Get on the opportunity of AI while you can folks! - Site is called, feel free to message me if you have any questions about the setup.
New comment 4d ago
1-30 of 153
Listings with Youtube Ads
YouTube Ads is the BEST way to get listings right now if you're a realtor. Learn how to leverage this platform to your advantage. For free.
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