8 tips for Coaches under $10k/m building their biz on skool
1. ❌ Don’t launch a low ticket community
unless you have a big audience or have connections to people with big audiences or are an absolute wizard with ads...
you should focus on creating a high value offer or service that delivers amazing results and that people will happily pay a monthly premium for...
and then charge that premium while you grow your audience
2. ✅ Do Build a Free Community
Most online health coaches think that creating short form content is the magic trick to getting clients... it’s not.
Building great relationships is the secret sauce...
and by focusing on building community, providing value and service in advance you build so much good will, trust and influence that selling your offers becomes super easy.
3. ✅ Do Sell By Chat
Selling by chat is a massive unlock.
Especially for busy parents or those who like to keep white space in their calendar.
however, It’s almost impossible to do without rapport, trust and connection.
In January we collected $73k of new business and all of it was done without a zoom call. Every person who said “I’m in!” was from our free skool community and sold by chat.
4. ✅ Do Run Ads
Coaches over complicate running ads but an ad is just an organic post with a good hook that you pay money to have seen by your ideal clients.
For as little as $20/Day you can start getting a flood of quality leads and IG followers who are interested in you, your community and your offers.
5. ❌ Don’t build complicated funnels
Make it simple instead...
  • A good offer written on a google doc
  • IG Ads to attract leads
  • Skool community to nurture them
  • Chat with people in DM’s
  • Make offers
  • Deliver transformation
  • Get Clients results
  • Get Testimonials
  • Rinse Repeat
6. ❌ Don’t have multiple offers
Instead of thinking about selling multiple things try selling ...
💎 1 offer first, then
💎 2 Levels of service w/
💎 2 different price points
And monthly payment options
(This is key for building out MRR as a coach)
“Simple Scales & Complex Fails”
7. ✅ Do Focus on Lifetime Value (LTV)
Hormozi says “build an offer so good people feel stupid saying no”
What if instead you built an offer / community so good people felt stupid leaving?
Play the long game, it’s way more fun and fulfilling to work with a small handful of clients longer term than continually chasing new clients who leave every 90 days.
14 Clients paying $750/m = $10,500/m in MRR
8. ✅ Do Make Business Fun Again
Doing business on skool is simple, fun and predictable because it’s designed to help coaches and creators build monthly recurring revenue.
It feels like a game. With leaderboards and prizes and friendly competition.
Business can be fun... it should be fun...
Because if it’s fun, it’s sustainable.
Dan Harrison
8 tips for Coaches under $10k/m building their biz on skool
For the Health & Wellness Professionals who want to scale their online coaching business - Faster... Without the grind
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