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Enhancing the Flavor of Your Microgreens: Advanced Techniques
Today, we're diving into some sophisticated techniques to enhance the natural flavors of your microgreens. Whether you're growing for gourmet markets, restaurants, or personal culinary use, understanding how to manipulate growing conditions to boost flavor can significantly elevate your product. Key Techniques for Flavor Enhancement: Light Manipulation: Different light spectrums can influence the flavor profile of microgreens. Experimenting with LED lights that offer variable spectrum settings can help enhance sweetness or bitterness, depending on your target flavor. We prefer Full Spectrum, with 'pinkish' color over a white or blurple: Stress Induction: Introducing controlled stress, like slight temperature fluctuations or reduced watering before harvesting, can concentrate flavors in microgreens. This technique needs to be used carefully to avoid reducing yield. Harvest Timing: The stage at which you harvest your microgreens can significantly impact their flavor. Experiment with harvesting at different growth stages to see how it changes their taste profile. Have you tried any advanced techniques to modify the flavor of your microgreens? What were your findings? Let’s share experiences and tips to help each other refine our techniques. Great flavor is the result of careful attention to detail. It’s not just about growing; it’s about crafting an experience. I look forward to reading about your experiments and discoveries in enhancing microgreen flavors. Let's push the boundaries of what we can achieve with our crops! Microgreens Mike
New comment 6h ago
Harvest Like a Pro: Tips to Maximize Your Microgreen Yields
Hello Microgreen Growers Essential Harvesting Tips: 1. Timing is Everything: Monitor your crops closely and start harvesting when the first true leaves start to emerge. This is typically between 7 to 21 days after planting, depending on the variety. 2. Use the Right Tools: Sharp, clean scissors or a knife are essential to cut the microgreens cleanly without damaging the tender stems. This also helps in preventing fungal infections. 3. Handling with Care: Harvest gently to avoid bruising. Microgreens are delicate, and rough handling can reduce their shelf life and visual appeal. 4. Post-Harvest Care: After harvesting, cool your microgreens to preserve freshness. If not selling or consuming immediately, store them in airtight containers in the refrigerator to maintain freshness and extend shelf life. What are your go-to tips for harvesting microgreens? Any special techniques or tools that you find indispensable? Share your experiences and let’s learn from each other! The right harvest methods can make or break your crop’s quality. It’s not just about growing; it’s about growing right. Eager to see your harvesting tips and tricks in the comments below. Let’s continue to grow and learn together! Microgreens Mike Here a Video on our new Tool for quick harvesting
New comment 11h ago
New to group and growing!
Hello everyone! I’m Eugene, My Wife and I own Anchorage Microgreens , which is located in Anchorage, Alaska. We are 21 trays in and really enjoying this new challenge. We are looking to be an organic/natural grown alternative during the spring, fall, and winter months. The locally grown produce in Alaska is amazing during the summer (20+ hours of sun + amazing soil = HUGE tasty produce) but when half of your year is winter then you can imagine the condition of the stuff that gets shipped 2500 miles to Alaska. If you have any tips or tricks for new growers please reach out! Set up - 48x18x72 Costco trinity rack - Barrina T8, one per shelf, distance from light to top of tray is 9 inches, seems to be working really well, have one shelf at 9in and one shelf at 10in, haven’t noticed a difference so will probably make them all 9in. - Bootstrap 1020 shallow trays - OceanSolutions Pure nutrient solution (organic) The Microgreens colors seem to be brighter when we use the solution but the yield seems marginal. Cost per tray is around 5 cents so we find it worth it. - Coco Coir (organic), We tried a few different brands, didn’t notice a difference between them. We bought a blue lab ph and conductivity pen test kit. Will test the different coco coir to see if they have any salt content and are ph neutral. - Seeds all come from TrueLeaf because of cost. Really happy with everything so far except the sunflowers. Issues - finding a seed supplier that ships to Alaska without charging an arm and leg in shipping 😂 - Sunflower seed hulls won’t come off during the growing process as much as I wish they would. 3 days germ, 1 day black out, 4 days light. I soak my seeds for 8 hours and germ them with  15lbs on top. I continue to top water once they come out of germ for the next 3 days and try to brush off the hulls as much as possible. I would say we spend more time harvesting sunflowers then I do anything else. Hopefully, this all makes sense. I typed most of this while I was at the store 😂
New comment 5h ago
Microgreens grow time and flavor
So I’ve noticed a pretty steep drop off in flavor after 8-9 days or once they reach a certain height. What are people doing to keep more flavor further into the grow? Are we sacrificing some flavor for yield day 9 and 10?
New comment 11h ago
Music for Microgreens
Does anyone play music for their Microgreens. My fiance decided to play classical music 4 hrs a day and birds singing at sunrise for 10 min a day. Hopefully it helps.
New comment 12h ago
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