Beatriz Ruiz
  • What advice would you give to your younger self from 5 years ago?
You already know enough to go ahead. Of course, it’s important to keep learning new things and keeping training, but girl, do something with it.
  • Ten years from now, what would that version of yourself be disappointed by? 
The fact that I had the tools to change things, and I wasn’t brave enough to do it.
  • If you keep doing what you are about to do today for the next five years, will you end up with more of what you want or less of what you want? 
I hope I get what I’ve been looking for in the past few years: financial and work freedom. It doesn’t mean stopping working or getting rich out of the blue; it’s more about reaching a point where I can choose instead of feeling forced to do something because I need the money or because someone else is telling me what I have to do.
  • Does what you’re currently doing represent what you’re capable of doing?
I can do more, but I get the imposter syndrome quite often.
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