Search for Miro tech support and potential Co-Facilitator
Upcoming Challenge: 3-day Hybrid workshop
Workshop scope:
I am doing a 3-day Hybrid workshop for a start-up team in Heidelberg for 30 people from July 10-13. 8 people are on-site, the rest are remote. Very diverse nationalities. Language: English. Time zone. CET
My problem:
My energy goes down and my attention suffers and pulls away from the participants if I have to care too much about the technical flow of the workshop.
1. Job profile:
Tech Miro support / remote co-facilitator
Technical support for Miro. I am looking for someone who can help me with the technical aspects of the workshop so that I can moderate freely, make sure that the participants are digitally on the right board, take the next step (access the right board, put sticky notes on the board in time, or split participants into different rooms, keep track of time, and monitor chat progress and make me aware of it), and potentially also act as a co-facilitator.
2. Job profile:
Miro Board Builder
I am looking for someone to build me Miro boards for workshops.
the workshop is in ten days - July 10-13 - and I am in the middle of preparation.
Time slots to talk:
this weekend 3-7 pm
Monday: 6-7 pm Tuesday at 5-8 pm
To facilitate communication, please only contact people who are in the same time zone. Berlin, CET.
It's not a corporate, but a startup that is tight on cash. Therefore, don't expect a cash cow. Payment: Moderate hourly/daily rates but certainly very good to get to know each other and practice a setup.
Looking forward to suggestions or interest from the community.
Lenard Krawinkel
Search for Miro tech support and potential Co-Facilitator
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