Do you have ideas on how to facilitate a team reorganisation discussion with a leadership team?
hey everyone!
I will facilitate a two day workshop with a leadership team (9 people) where they will decide on
  • The 3 year goal for the organisation
  • What initiatives to invest in that are aligned with the goal?
  • How to best structure the org in order to deliver these initiatives?
The size of the engineering organization is around 140 engineers.
The third bullet point above will include questions such as:
  • Does the current team structure still make sense
  • Should we merge currently separate teams (i.e. operations) with the engineering teams
  • Do the teams have the right skills needed for the new initiatives or do we need to move team members around
I'm thinking about using the meddlers game from management 3.0 in order to guide the reorg discussion and visualize the potential new team structure.
I've never done this before, so I'm open to any other suggestions from the community.
Does anyone of you have experience in facilitating a reorg discussion? Any cool activities you would suggest?
Tobias Glaser
Do you have ideas on how to facilitate a team reorganisation discussion with a leadership team?
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