Chris Ridgeway
Action-Priority Matrix - how to "together-alone"?
Action-Priority Matrix - how to "together-alone"?
Advice needed! I need to lead a team (4-6 folks) through a bunch of new projects that have been proposed (19 ideas on the table), some small some large. Thy need to choose their priorities.
I proposed facilitating a 3-hour action-priority matrix workshop, to rank each project on impact & effort.
In the past I've done this where we sorta group discussion / argue our way through placing the projects on the whiteboard. It sorta works/ sorta doesn't. And takes a lot of time. And defers to authority (this client is a university, and they have a higher authority deference).
Has anyone done this with a group, using the together-alone principle where folks somehow place on their own and then somehow vote or validate? It obviously won't work to have every team member placing their own duplicate post-it notes of the project. Advice?
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