Nov '23 in 31 P's
When are you going to set aside time to actually practice?
Everybody suck at golf until they practice.
Everybody sucks at tennis until they practice.
Everybody sucks at sales things until they practice.
In fact, I won't name names, but many people on my team used to legitimately suck at sales until I practiced with them.
And then they got REALLY good.
The practice made allll the difference.
And this is why my team STILL has weekly team meetings where we practice live on Zoom together.
To keep getting the unfair advantage over everyone else who doesn't practice.
So… The question is: When are YOU going to set aside time to practice?
When are you going to have a practice DM convo with a friend?
When are you going to have a practice discovery call?
When are you going to have a practice sales call?
If you’d like the exact scripts for your DM convo, discovery call, and sales call, check out the resource section inside of Contentpreneurs.
When you practice, you’re going to dramatically increase your chance of making sales when you encounter an actual prospect...
Best way to practice? Role play.
Ted Carr
When are you going to set aside time to actually practice? (Free)
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