Swede living in Spain
Hey everyone,
Just joined and look forward to learning more from the community. Name is Max and because of that I've never really had a nickname that stuck I guess. It's just to simple to call me Max. ๐Ÿ˜‚
I'm a Swede who moved to Spain 4 months ago tomorrow. Currently living in Estepona on the southern coast of Spain living the life being very happy about the decision to move. I've been coaching golf for the last 15 years, 9 of them online.
My biggest strength is without a doubt the fact that I get stuff done. If I believe in the idea or the actions I will stop at nothing until it's done and then keep going. On the flip side my biggest weakness is selling or creating the sales process. Which creates quite a few problems.
Current favorite content platform has to be Instagram with YouTube coming up at a close second. For the last two months I've spent a lot of time here on Skool though, does that count?
I'm looking to pick up some motivation and inspiration to once and for all tackle this monster that is selling. I've got a great product that I believe in but I'm hesitant to sell it or simply don't know how to go about it.
Looking forward to spending time in here! ๐Ÿ‘Š
Max Persson
Swede living in Spain
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