⏰ It's May 20, 2024 ➡️ And It's Time To "Next It" ⏰
No more time for poking around.
No more time for procrastinating.
No more time for questioning, wondering, wandering, or letting fear choke your dreams.
It's time to try something.
You're going to "mess up" but failure can't happen without imperfection, baby!!!
It's time to STEP INTO who you are.
So, start by clicking on this poll and choosing a place that represents where you will start next.
Let's NEXT IT.
What is your next step, next action, next great push forward.
No excuses, friends. IT'S TIME.
"You were born to do great things and it starts with one small step."
Get in there.
Get in the game.
Get in that ring!
To your continued growth and success.
P.S. ...and without a deadline, nothing will ever get done so create a deadline for this awesome and brave leap of faith here.
P.P.S. Add your own goals with a date in the comments if these don't fit your style.
By X date I have created my FREEBIE (Lead magenet: Ebook, Mini-course, 1-Page PDF, Audio Book)
By X date I've created my first YouTube video based on Kai's methods.
By X date I am done going through X amount of courses from Ted's Classroom.
By X date I've posted X daily posts in Ted's group to get myself motivated and to inspire others.
By X date I have made a goal around how many conversations per day to engage in.
By X date I've booked X amount of 15 minute discovery calls (comment goal below).
By X date I've created a content plan and have a healthy content creation cadance each day.
By X date I've launched my new paid community (with Ted's affiliate link) and filled up some of the courses for my classroom.
2 votes
Josh Holladay
⏰ It's May 20, 2024 ➡️ And It's Time To "Next It" ⏰
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