Seeking advice on LinkedIn Profile
Hey everyone! For some reason, crafting a single message through my channels and focusing on one niche has been scary and hard 🤷‍♂️. I just started the Traffic & Sales course and looking for any feedback on my LinkedIn bio and tagline. I appreciate any thoughts, thanks!
Current Tagline:
I teach professionals how to OWN their on camera presence with modern tools & classic filmmaking techniques without getting overwhelmed. Creating software demos for busy Saas founders
Struggling to create virtual presentations & demos that drives sales?
I help SaaS companies create engaging software demos that not only tell their story but also guide users in utilizing their products.
🚀 Amplify your audience reach
🎬 Streamline video content creation
💰 Boost sales with your videos
Gone are the days of wrestling with video production complexities. I've combined efficient systems with AI tools that allow me to share daily video content across various platforms.
As a seasoned commercial cinematographer, I've fused my 15 years of experience with software & AI passion. From 1:1 consultations to turnkey video campaigns, I collaborate with SaaS founders and teams, producing premium demos tailored to your marketing and sales strategies.
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Rob Ruscher
Seeking advice on LinkedIn Profile
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