Search Members By Email - Why is this not a feature yet?
Could you please add an email search feature? Email is the only unique identifier for a member and can be used to match Skool members with payments from my payment processor and CRM. I really like the Skool platform ( I have 3 paid memberships now for my communities) however email search feature is standard on all other membership platforms and it is really helpful, I feel like its a must have feature. It's been over a month since I first posted about this necessary feature and several months since I requested it on one of the monthly office hour sessions. Everyone agrees that this feature is a must. Please please update this. I honestly don't understand how this is not a feature from the beginning. Approving requests is such a pain without an email identifier. We need all member profiles to include their email.
Joe Piperni
Search Members By Email - Why is this not a feature yet?
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