Jan '23 (edited) in How I Use Skool
❤️ LOWTICKET -> Subscription = 1.60 ROAS
My name is Josh Gavin.
As per request, I'm here to share how I'm using a $27 offer to fill my Skool group with members who engage, collaborate and upsell into my $3k+ offers.
To give you some history...
I grew a Facebook group to 5200 members and collected $486,000 cash from it without running a single paid ad.
But while I was doing this I noticed my homies over at Clients & Community had invented this new concept of running ads to a lead magnet which would then point to a free group.
So after some time, this method became very popular which meant new problems appeared.
But here I was...
Growing just as fast as everyone else without running paid ads.
So I decided to launch an LTO (low ticket offer) as a side mission to teach all these struggling group owners how to get new members without ads.
I never planned on this becoming my main offer since I hated the thought of becoming another one of those 'coaches' who help 'coaches' with organic marketing lol
But here I was with a method no one else was teaching...
So I launched it!
And just 30 days later I enrolled over 200 people at $27 + 40 people into a sass upsell.
Then I decided I wanted to take this more seriously and increase my AOV as I started learning more from the LTO God himself Alen Sultanic...
So I added new upsells and launch V2 which you can find here: https://www.organicgroupmethod.com/offer
Then in December, I launched V3 which you can find here: https://www.organicgroupmethod.com/launch
But here’s where things get spicy…
Although I believe Facebook is still better for a free group since you can get more attention to funnel people into sales conversation…
I don’t like FB as a client portal for paid products…
I realized even tho I had 300+ customers, no one was engaging or coming back for help…
Plus I wanted to be able to upsell these people into our HTO in the long run without running the client group with promo posts…
Instead, I moved it all to skool!
Now V4 looks like this:
  • $27 Front End (How-To Course)
  • $17 Order Bump
  • $22 Order Bump
  • $197 Upsell (Gets the result faster)
  • 2 x $97 downsell
  • $47/mo Sass (This is used in the How To course)
  • Calendar Page (these calls are free training calls where I can see if I could upsell them later)
  • Skool Group (Treated like a Wetube Mastermind) Calendar Page Inside
I’ll include screenshots of the funnel stats etc.
Now I get paid while getting qualified members.
I don’t need to constantly pitch or feel the need to sell in my SKool group and I still get HT clients.
And I'm not stressed wondering if a free member is going to show up in a new place like skool while also hoping they end up paying me.
Feel free to like this post if you got any value and I’ll be in the comments to answer questions.
Thanks, for making my clients so happy with the new portal!
Josh Gavin
❤️ LOWTICKET -> Subscription = 1.60 ROAS
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