Feedback Post #2 - Increasing Engagement
I just wanted to give some UX feedback again, following up on my first post.
This post is designed to give feedback re: directly increase engagement.
  1. The ability to send mass-DMs to your community with notifications (the once-weekly email is not enough, and it kills engagement. This platform isn't new, people are not familiar with it, and emails don't cut it. The ability (like on Mighty Networks) to send a group-wide DM would be huge.
  1. DM automations. To help with on-boarding, I'd like the ability to send DM automations. I.E Day 1 get DM telling people how to use the program, day 2 get a DM telling people which videos to watch, etc...You get the idea.
  1. Post scheduling (saw someone else mention this recently, and I think it's a must-have). I like to theme posts for each day, and being able to do it all on ONE day and automate for the week would be great.
  1. RSVP to calendar events (show who's going to an invent, being able to opt-in to receive email reminders to it). Would increase attendance.
My entire point is that if you can't email, or message people more than once, you can't automate, feel like engagement will always be kinda low since this is a new-ish platform, and people haven't made it a habit to check. Obviously don't want to SPAM members, but once a week is crazy without reminders etc...
Have a bunch more but will save for another post!
Loving SKOOL so far. Happy to help.
Ryan Booth
Feedback Post #2 - Increasing Engagement
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