Congrats to Sid! ⭐...who is now Community Lead at Skool! πŸš€ ❀️
Hi guys, I hope he doesn't mind me doing this lol ....but quietly he got a bit of a promotion so to speak, and a title change without telling us. Drop a GIF and a kind word for our Sid, man of the hour ✊.
Sid is now the man, "Community Lead @ Skool" ... in case you didn't notice it πŸ™‰. You have to keep your wits about you to find the little gems to encourage people you love. thanks my man, for all the help and for taking the leap from being a data analysis guy into a community management guy. πŸ‘
...that must have been shift work-wise, but I am sure as an ENTJ you like hanging out with us, we like hanging out with you bro! βœ…
And good to see you take your weekends off not like us crazy Skooler.
Danny Mallinder
Congrats to Sid! ⭐...who is now Community Lead at Skool! πŸš€ ❀️
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