Now Collects & Sends You Leads 馃ぉ
I wanted to quickly share some cool updates we've rolled out on the platform. From advanced Chat History options to new features in our Leads section, there's a lot to check out.
馃攳 Searchable Chat History - Find specific conversations easily with keyword search.
馃搯 Date Range - Look through conversations within your chosen timeframe.
馃摡 Smarter Leads - Now send new lead notifications to multiple emails at once.
If you haven't built your first AI chatbot yet, now's the perfect time. We've made it even more efficient and user-friendly. Start building your first AI chatbot for FREE today!
For all the nitty-gritty details, check out the new blog post.
Catch you later.
Jason West
7 Now Collects & Sends You Leads 馃ぉ
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