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Audio Artist Rise Live Call is happening in 17 hours
Success Amplifier | Season One | Step #03
Okay, it is time to spice up our social networks! Please check out the video in the classroom โ†’ HERE Then post your results below in this post! Feel free to post several social links and in order to keep things nice and tidy, please reply to your own reply.
New comment 13h ago
Licensing for Film&TV
Hey everyone, I was just wondering how to get into music libraries as an independent artist and which ones youโ€™ve used and would recommend. I honestly donโ€™t know where to start.
New comment 4d ago
Success Amplifier | Season One | Step #02
Okay, let's continue. First, make sure to watch the video and follow as described. 1. Create a demo reel that speaks directly to your desired client. 2. 4-5 tracks, not too long, again focusing on your target group 3. An attention-grabbing video could work 4. If you have credits, feel free to put them on there. It is always a good thing! 5. Regarding your bio, don't try to impress with tons of information. Try to grab attention! 6. Once you are done, share your reel in the comments so we can look at it! :) Check out Reelcrafter โ†’ HERE
New comment 7d ago
Custom music license agreement - what should I do?
Hello everyone my name is Aviv and I'm on my first steps as a media composer. I want to clarify that this is my first serious hired job, and I am not familiar with all the professional terms of copyright/license music, so I may sound "noob" in my explanation/questions. ๐Ÿ˜… I've been hired by a video production company to compose 1 minute of custom music for one of their clients commercial. The client asked for a couple of bids: 1. Using the music in their digital assets for unlimited time and one year of sponsored campaigns online. 2. Using the music for worldwide TV for one year. 3. Using the music freely as they want, they called it "Total Release" (I dont even know if thats a term in this business) but my guess is that they ment for a buy-out. Anyway the client chose for now only bid offer number 1. I've been paid by the video production company the amount we agreed on the bid offer number 1. *I haven't signed with them any contract/agreement so far* So my question is: Should I send any kind of agreement that confirms that my music is being used as we agreed and that I own all the rights? If so, I hope someone can teach me from their experience how to pronounce that kind of agreement. I will also like to know how I can preserve some kind of rights if they will choose to expand for bid offer number 3. I hope I've managed to be clear with my explanation. Thank you so much for your time!
New comment 7d ago
Staying Motivated in Freelance Composition?
Anyone have any tips/advice on staying motivated regarding freelancing as a film composer? Besides honing my craft and working on projects, I always dedicate time to reach out to companies/filmmakers, attend networking events/festivals, grow my SM presence and/or follow up with connections. While I understand this is all part of the gig, some days, like today, it can feel mentally draining to constantly put myself out there. Any suggestions? P.S: not really in the mood for tough love responses. Thanks in advance!
New comment 8d ago
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