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Audio Artist Academy

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19 contributions to Audio Artist Academy
Success Amplifier | Season One | Step #03
Okay, it is time to spice up our social networks! Please check out the video in the classroom → HERE Then post your results below in this post! Feel free to post several social links and in order to keep things nice and tidy, please reply to your own reply.
New comment 11h ago
0 likes • 4d
Unleashed another wild video today haha: I can't stop 😰
1 like • 13h
I've set up a new composer-focused LinkedIn account: if anyone would like to connect feel free, as it's very empty just now...want to build up some more connections before sharing it to potential employers! Thanks.
Logic alternative on Windows
Hey, I've been an Logic user in the past, but I don't have a capabale Mac anymore (2012 MacBookPro). I have quite some Windows Machine with 32GB Ram and a 5600x CPU. I really loved the stock PlugIns in Logic beside the look and feel. Can anyone give some advice on transitioning to a similar DAW on Windows? I'm looking at Reaper, Cubase/Nuendo and Bitwig or if I should maybe go for a cheap MacMini as it is in the same price range as Cubase/Bitwig. Thanks in advance.
New comment 5h ago
0 likes • 3d
@Clemens Reil you get a 60 day trial period, so you cam try it at no cost first!
1 like • 2d
@Clemens Reil careful with that, you keep going on the evaluation after the 60 days you start getting visits from the Men in Black and it all escalates from there 😅
Licensing for Film&TV
Hey everyone, I was just wondering how to get into music libraries as an independent artist and which ones you’ve used and would recommend. I honestly don’t know where to start.
New comment 4d ago
2 likes • 4d
@Silvestar Knezevic yeah this has been my experience. You either get no reply or "great send us an album" and not much in between!
2 likes • 4d
Another option is to sign up for - bit expensive as you have to pay upfront, but they will send you briefs from music libraries regularly, and you can submit your work - plus you get feedback on your tracks, which can be useful when starting out with production music. If your track is forwarded to the client, and they release it, you get 100% of that. I've got mixed feelings about Taxi, but I did get work through them, and got introduced to some new libraries as a result.
Creating content for social media 🫠
Hey everyone! It is really inspiring to see what everybody is doing. High quality work everywhere I look! I am in the process of figuring out how to use my social media more efficiently. Hopefully I will be able to attract some future clients this way. Alex has provided some great videos on the subject (thank you!) but I feel I have to take it a step back and focus on the content creation itself and get comfortable with that part before I worry too much about certain social media strategies and so on. Right now I rarely share my work and collaborations and to be honest I am a bit confused about how and where to start. Ideally I would like to create some content that - resonates with me as a person - can be made without draining my mental energy too much - is somewhat integrated into my work week (it’s also a question of building a habit I guess) A lot of relevant composer/guitar content I come across is very fast paced which I find “off character” so to speak if I were to copy the idea. SO! Anybody who has been through a similar process and can share some tips or ideas? How did you build the habit of creating content for your social media? What kind of content works best for you when you create content for your social media? Feel free to ask any follow up questions 😊 Thank you
New comment 3d ago
3 likes • May 2
I've found we tend to make posts that would be of interest to other composers, and follow and interact with other composers first. It's really rare to find up-and-coming composers making social media content actually aimed at the people who they want to hire them. So I'd ask: - Who is going to hire you? - What content would get you showing up in their feed? - What content can you make that would make them want to hire you for their next project? Be's like trying to look at the sun...
2 likes • 4d
Just noticed Davie504 has the best call-to-action on Youtube 😂
Trailer music course
Hey team, I decided to learn how to make trailer music. And I'll buy Alex's trailer course. Should I wait for a coupon/discount, or there's usually none and waiting is a waste of time? Cheers
New comment 4d ago
3 likes • 10d
I've don't remember seeing it on sale, but it is honestly worth x10 the full price. I'd just check with @Alex Pfeffer if it's been moved over to this platform yet - and whether he suggests to get it now or wait for it to pop up here. But I'd highly recommend it either way.
1 like • 4d
@Ricardo Ambrogi Well that's down to you 😀but there are videos on theory as it relates to trailer music, writing melodies, chord sequences, coming up with ideas, as well as writing for the different instrument groups...sample libraries and mixing. And a lot I think if you are willing to put in some time and effort, there is plenty to get out of it.
1-10 of 19
Dave Graham
48points to level up
Composer for film, tv and $$$

Active 5h ago
Joined Apr 15, 2024
London, UK
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