Hey Ad Mens,
So few weeks ago I started fully work on my agency (YouTube Ads)
And I got two ideas in mind by positioning.
Woud like to get some thoughts about it.
So basically everyone is positioning their selfs as YouTube Ads guy or Media Buyer.
And I got a though to position myself as a YouTube Ads creatives guy, why?
These all social media ad managers are so simple to use. It's getting easier everyday.
And I heard from one very big guy that he said something like: "What people actually wants is the AD creatives, they don't want media buying, the platforms ad managers is so easy to understand these days. It's a nice positioning.
So I though position myself as a YouTube Ads Creative agency, writing the script, guide them to filming, editing, and some media buying.
Any thoughts and tips for me?
Nik Frascona
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