My First Post!
Hello there dear Adspend communitiy!
This is my first post and i'd love to get in touch with you guys!
A friend recommendet me here, so here I go :)
My name is Andreas and I'm a filmmaker/editor
I recently researched myself into the world of coaches, traines and advisors to work with them and get to know your world.
My aim is to help create high-revenue ads and I'm interested to know if anybody out here is down to work together.
I have bought myself into a very High-Quality course that helped me to learn in depht on how to create those ads.
Also I'd be happy to know about your successes and failures. What worked well? What were pitfalls you fell into? And ofc I'm also more than happy to share my knowledge and experience with you guys.
Many thanks and greetings in advance and thanks for having me!
Hope to hear from you guys soon.
-Andre :)
Andreas Matzinger
My First Post!
A community for high-ticket coaches, course creators, and agency owners who want to learn how to scale with YouTube Ads
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