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2 contributions to Facilitator Club
The flipchart struggle - What do you use?
Dear all, from time to time, I struggle hard with my flipcharts and preparation of the flipcharts for my workshops. First, I do not enjoy drawing them (and I'm not really talended...🫣). Second, I do not enjoy traveling with them. And after a while you have a lot of ready to go flipcharts, and to organize them is a mess. But - I need a way to present tools and methods in a workshop like the agenda, active listening, questions, iceberg model, world café and so on. How do you handle it? Keep my fingers crossed, one of you come up with an easy to go solution.
New comment Mar 22
1 like • Mar 19
Hi Svenja, I feel you. One way to organize them - if you have enough room for that - is getting a cheap clothing rack from Ikea and put your flipcharts on it using pant hangers. I organized this in my last corporate job with a group of facilitators and this was just great: We put all of our flipcharts on the clothing rack in different categories (Check-in, Gather Data, Generate Insights,...) and you could just go there and put stuff together for your next workshop. This is an easy solution for the organizing part but requires some space. For the flipchart creation part, I in contrary to you really enjoy drawing them since I learned a few basics (among other, from the "Flipchart Coach"). Actually, I´m currently thinking about setting up a little print on demand shop for flipcharts, but this is just a first crazy idea I´m not sure about yet 😅
SALE ENDED: Our Black Friday Sale Starts NOW! 🎉🎉🎉
***PRESALE OFFER HAS ENDED - NEW OFFER NOW AVAILABLE (SEE PINNED POST)** Hey Workshoppers! Even though our official Black Friday sale starts this Wednesday, we're launching our "VIP Pre Sale" for everyone here in Facilitator Club and in our Newsletter. It starts RIGHT NOW with an extra 10% off the Black Friday price! To put it simply, on Wednesday, it'll be 10% more expensive for everyone else. If you've ever wanted to jump in on our Facilitation Course at its lowest price ever, here's the link. I made a little video down below explaining the deal.... that's all! Cheers, Jonathan P.S. I said it's only an extra 2% off in the Loom video... because I'm an idiot :)
New comment Nov '23
SALE ENDED: Our Black Friday Sale Starts NOW! 🎉🎉🎉
1 like • Nov '23
Yeah, sounds great 🤗 Any discounts in prospect for the Design Sprint Facilitation Course? 😁
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Uli Engel
3points to level up
Hi, I´m Uli from Germany 👋🏼😊 After working 20+years in corporate, I started to work self-employed as Agile Coach and Print on Demand Store Owner.

Active 3h ago
Joined Aug 21, 2023
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