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School of Fitness

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10 contributions to School of Fitness
Squats during pregnancy?
I was wondering about your take on this. Iโ€™m currently in early 1st trimester with my second. When I was pregnant with my first, I had one doctor tell me to avoid squats and opt for lunges instead, reasoning that squatting can put too much pressure on the pelvic floor. While Iโ€™d much rather be safe than sorry and happy to stick to lunges, Iโ€™ve seen some people on IG (not doctors) claim that squats can help strengthen and lengthen the pelvic floor? Just curious about this. (I still practice deep squat stretching, just avoiding the squat in repetition). Thank you!
New comment 10d ago
2 likes โ€ข 10d
@Veronica Cook @Colin Pasque My wife is in her first trimester too (with our first) and we are both big into fitness. She wants to stay fit but also do the right amount of resting and self care. This post was super helpful. Thank you both for sharing. Our due date is Nov 18...must be close to yours Veronica! Here's to a happy and healthy pregnancy ๐Ÿงก
I have no personal integrity...
I have a thought to share with the group. I have struggled with personal integrity for the past 15 years or so. Let me explain. I am 37 years old. I have been a lifelong athlete and have always felt most alive when I moved my body. It was easy for me to play outside with friends from sun up to sun down. Pickup football with the neighbors, cul-de-sac hockey, creek walking, fort building. I was never accused of sitting still. I went to college, like most teens, with little direction and a huge appetite for exploration. Halfway through my 4 years, I realized that I hadn't selected a major...mostly because I was more concerned with having fun and learning about life than thinking about...internships and career trajectory (barf). I listened to parental advice (rooted in fear and scarcity) and chose to major in accounting because it was safe with guaranteed employment upon graduation. This led me down a path of inner turmoil. I finished my degree (barely and with low grades cuz I had no passion or inherent skill regarding Excel & accounting in general), but I said "no" to any and all opportunities in the field that came my way. Instead, I traveled the world and surfed...working gigs here and there to pay the bills (and completely ignored my student loans piling up). I got married in 2016 and decided I should stop living like Peter Pan and accept my situation. I could no longer be "selfish" and ignore my financial responsibilities and a college degree that I wasn't crazy about. As Jordan Peterson would recommend...I chose the darkest part of my forest (a job in accounting and tackling my student loans) and dove in head first. After floundering a bit, I secured a corporate tax accounting job. The job itself wasn't horrible, but I had to wear a disguise when going into the office everyday. I smiled to cover the numbness inside. I lied in my performance reviews about being fulfilled and wanting to advance my accounting career. I would do push-ups and pullups in the handicap bathroom stall to connect with my body. I would go on my lunch break and run for miles in order to feel alive. I had my own cubicle, so I wasn't so concerned about the sweat seeping through my button up shirt when my lunch break was over.
New comment 11d ago
0 likes โ€ข 11d
@Brandon Shatswell thank you Brandon. Welcome to the group!
Supplements: what the heck is Dr. C taking? ๐Ÿค”
Hey crew, I got asked by an IG follower what supplements I am taking, and whether I was consuming everything on my supplement guide (you can find the guide in the Functional Athlete Secrets 101 course on Nutrition module). The answer is NO I am not taking everything on my supplement guide - that is more of a comprehensive list of suggestions to suite your unique needs. Here is my current stack: Morning: - TL Multi-vitmain - TL Krill oil - TL Gut health (probiotic) Day-Time: - TL Whey protein x 1.5 servings (~40g protein - usually in the morning for a 'snack') - TL HMB creatine (3-4x days per week post workout) - TL Hydration (post-workout) Night-time: - TL Joint Support - TL Magnesium bisglysinate And for those of you who don't know, I have Crohn's disease (got dx with it August 2023), so I am under the medical attention of a physician who has helped me get my inflammation under control medicinally to prevent the need for any severe surgeries. So far I am feeling incredible, and I know the supplement stack above has helped me in my recovery from this. The above stack is what works for ME - everyone is different and has different nutritional needs. I always recommend using supplements to help make up for what your diet lacks. When you use this approach, you won't waste money or consume things your body doesn't need. If you have any questions on the above stack, or need any suggestions, drop them below. Cheers to a new week - go get it! Dr. C
New comment 24d ago
0 likes โ€ข 27d
@Colin Pasque It's a bummer everything with gluten in it tastes so damn good ๐Ÿ˜ช
0 likes โ€ข 27d
@Colin Pasque I do a whey isolate protein shake with yogurt and milk about 5-6x a week. Seems like I should add creatine to the mix. Lots of good info out there supporting its benefits. Do you know of any negative implications for consuming a (obviously processed) protein powder for years and years? Is there a recommended time to cycle off? I always want to hit my protein goals and doing it with the powder instead of strictly food is easier and more convenient.
I've been struggling with focus and motivation. I tend to way overthink things and I get overwhelmed easily, which leads to distraction and stress. I found an app called Trident Mindset, so going to see how it goes and will give you an update. It is daily exercises for one year that is supposed to lead to a stronger mind, leading to stronger focus and discipline, especially when life gets stressful. I am about to finish the Daily Flo (Full gym), one course left. I am going to start the dumbbell routine. Just finished a 6 day vacation. So completely refreshed and recovered and ready to push harder : )
New comment 27d ago
2 likes โ€ข 27d
@Ben Mccabe some things that have helped me focus increase... 1) get a whiteboard and hang it in your office. brain dump. getting things out of your head and "on paper" really declutters the mind and allows you to dictate and direct the priorities of the day/week/month/year. 2) consider your physical environment. a messy room can lead to a messy mind. make the good habits easily accessible (as a musician, I NEVER put my guitar in it's is always at arms length). make less desirable habits harder to access (I am a gamer and can waste hours in the virtual world. I put my controller away in the closet and remove the batteries after every use. when I want to is a TWO STEP process to get the controller out and put in the batteries to start playing). This brings intention to the things that I choose to do. 3) bring attention to your sleep hygiene. if you aren't getting enough sleep, it is harder to focus on anything. darken your room with blackout curtains. turn on a fan for white noise to cover sounds that may wake you in the night. place your cellphone in another room. make sure the temperature is cool. these techniques have drastically improve the quality and duration of my sleep since implementing 5+ years ago.
1 like โ€ข 27d
@Ben Mccabe Awesome. To use your tv example, you would put the remote away in a drawer or some hard to reach area and also remove the batteries. Then it is a royal pain in the butt to turn the thing on. That means you will only do it when you REALLY want to watch.
New Beginning...
Hi everyone! I've found motivation from others here and I haven't been very engaged in the community. I complete the School of Fitness Lesson 1 a bit ago and then hit a rut. Changing that thanks to motivation from this group and Colin. Thank you for the energy and support! Just a little appreciation post for this community and wishing you all a wonderful rest of the week!
New comment 27d ago
3 likes โ€ข 27d
1% better everyday. That is the goal. Showing up is half the battle. Consistency is key! You got this.
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Tyler McIntyre
33points to level up
Surfer, guitar strummer, body movement student & practitioner. 37 y.o. husband & soon-to-be father. Seeking agency, connection, knowledge & purpose.

Active 1d ago
Joined Apr 22, 2024
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