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Plant-Based Optimizers

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4 contributions to Plant-Based Optimizers
What's the one thing keeping you from hitting your health goals?
This community was built to help you solve your biggest challenges thats keeping you from hitting your health goals and hitting peak performance - whether thats sleeping better, having more energy, building your dream physique or improving your lifespan. To help you to do that, I'd love to know what your biggest road blocks or challenges are so that I can provide more value here :) Here are some examples of what I've heard in the past: - motivation (no drive to want to get better) - structure (workout plan, meal plan, what to buy) - the right knowledge (macros, timing, protein sources) - environment design (fridge organization, minimalism) - discipline (waking up, getting things done, doing hard things) - limiting beliefs (not fit enough to hit the gym, can never cook...) The more specific you are - the more I can create valuable content to help you out :)
New comment Feb '23
1 like • Feb '23
I had never thought of environment design but that totally makes sense!
How Ridhima lost 3 inches off her waist in under 2 mon!
Tonight at 5pm EST, one of my clients @Ridhima Shinde will be hopping on into the hot-seat with myself to discuss his incredible transformation journey in both mind and body just 1.5 months into her journey with us! Prior to joining us, she was experiencing the following: - stress from long hours of work - poor posture from sitting at her desk all day - low protein plant-based meals - exhaustion from trying a million diets that didn't work - constant bloating and a scale that wasn't moving But just over the past 40 days, Ridhima has completely shifted her habits and achieved incredible results that's allowed her to rewire her relationship with food and with the scale :) We won’t be holding back - we’ll be covering everything that Ridhima has done to drop body fat, build muscle, boost energy, manage stress and mold her physique in such a short period of time! She'll be sharing her insights & revelations about how she was able to hit her goals and find balance in her life without restricting herself from her favourite meals or social settings! If you’re interested in hearing Ridhima's revelations, like this post and visit the YouTube live link below! How Ridhima Lost 3in Off Her Waist in 40 Days! - YouTube Catch you in 30 min!! Abhi
New comment Feb '23
1 like • Feb '23
Watching this right now, it's great! I'd love to lose 3 inches on my waist haha
Your metabolism isn’t broken
If you’re tired of feeling like your slow metabolism is causing your weight loss progress to plateau... You’re not alone. You feel like you're doing everything in your power - controlling your diet and moving more But the scale ain't budging! It's frustrating tbh (I’ve been there) But in reality, there’s more at play here. First off, your metabolism isn’t broken It’s just good at adapting, as is the rest of your body. When you lose weight, your body requires less energy to sustain that new weight As a result, your metabolism is less than it was before. Additionally as you exercise more, your body adapts to become more efficient And as a result, it burns less energy with each of those movements. This is why you may feel like nothings working despite DOING a lot. And then end up throwing in the towel and binge eating a full bag of Doritos in one sitting! I feel you. Truth is, the only way to break past this plateau is to USE DATA. Data on our calories, macros, steps, exercise, sleep and biometrics Data shows us the true facts of what’s really going on instead of what we FEEL is happening. And when we have data, all we have to do is make a small change to the things we’re doing and see how our body reacts week to week. Simple. This allows us to take control of your health trajectory without all the emotions. Do you guys track anything? Let me know in the comments below!
New comment Jan '23
1 like • Jan '23
I use my apple watch to track workouts and LoseIt to track my calories. Getting that data helps a lot!
Weight scale fluctuations are normal
It's the holidays. You're going to have get-togethers. You're going to eat more than you usually do. BUT don't let the number on the scale the next morning play with your emotions. Sleep, travel, sodium, carbs, stress, and alcohol all contribute to water fluctuations and make you feel that you've gain 2-4 lb of fat when in reality is most likely all WATER. Remember, it takes 3500 calorie ABOVE your maintenance to gain 1 lb of fat The chances of you consuming that through processed foods, snacks and alcohol at holiday events is likely, but to consume 4x that in one sitting is not likely at all So when the scale goes up more than it should, just breath. Its just water. Which means it'll go down just as much as it went up in time.
New comment Jan '23
1 like • Jan '23
Ooh I needed to hear this, thank you!
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Shivani Persad
1point to level up
I'm Shivani, a content marketer in HR tech, former full-time model and sometimes journalist in Toronto! I love boxing, social justice, and my cat :)

Active 450d ago
Joined Dec 19, 2022
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