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Created by Sherice

The Entrepreneur's Accelerator

Private • 15 • $350/m

Designed to support coaches, consultants, speakers, and online entrepreneurs as you navigate the overwhelming world of online business & marketing.


Skool Community

Public • 116.3k • Paid

25 contributions to Skool Community
Introducing "$1 Club" — the first paid community on skool
Introducing the first paid community on Skool — "$1 Club". Its purpose: To demonstrate the paid community experience. For $1 /month you'll get to: 1. See what it's like to subscribe to a paid community (as a member) 2. See what it's like to sell a paid community (as an admin) 3. Be first in line to use the payments system (for your own community) Click here to join $1 Club. We don't expect you to pay $1 /month ongoing. You can cancel your subscription at any time with 1-click. We're doing this as a live demonstration of our payments system. See you on the other side!
New comment Jan 14
Introducing "$1 Club" — the first paid community on skool
1 like • Aug '23
@Sam Ovens it wasn't about the money... I'm saying, I get that you're trying to roll out new features correctly, but your ideal client builds revenue from this. So, if it's that difficult to estimate accurately, then be clear about that for us. And if it's not that difficult but it just didn't work out this time, then don't use it as an excuse. Just tell us that & understand with some empathy the position it puts some of us in.
1 like • Aug '23
@Eduardo Mussali looks like you need a good lesson in empathy & business ethics as well
Kajabi or Skool?
Hi everyone! I was about to migrate my entire business to Kajabi (website, emails, courses, etc.) but was talking to @Mariah Coz about it and she told me all about Skool and how many of you are using it to build your communities and offer courses. I love the philosophy in Skool of having your community be the main focus - this is something I’ve been deeply desiring in my business. I’m now in my trial for Skool so I can get some hands on experience and want to say first of all how helpful this community is! It’s so valuable to see how everyone is using Skool and what’s possible on this platform. I was really excited to move to an all-in-one platform to simplify by business backend, so as I re-evaluate and consider using Skool I’d love to hear from any previous Kajabi users who have switched to Skool. What have you liked about Skool compared to Kajabi? Do you miss having an all-in-one? And open to hearing from anyone on your tech stack with Skool. I already have ThriveCart and ConvertKit and Squarespace so I could easily just keep my current tech stack and just add in Skool. Thanks in advance and excited to dig in deeper to this community!
New comment Aug '23
1 like • Aug '23
@Fitzgerald Council oh interesting! It wasn't when I used it. I can't but you can get an invite from Eran Bucai (on facebook). Message him and tell him I sent you.
1 like • Aug '23
@Fitzgerald Council no problem! Let me know if you have trouble contacting him
Skool's roadmap — what's coming soon
Here's our roadmap. The image below shows you what's in progress and what's up next. In the last 60-days we shipped: Group landing pages, iPhone app, Android app, inline classroom editor, action posts + pin post to module. The next 60-days are going to be just as intense. We're just getting started 🔥
New comment Apr 13
Skool's roadmap — what's coming soon
3 likes • Jul '23
@Larry Le, VMA hahaha I get it 🤣
2 likes • Jul '23
@Derek James thank you so much!
Scheduling Posts
If no one has suggested it yet, I'd love to throw this in the hat. As a host of a membership, I'm planning monthly content & announcements months in advance. I'd love to be able to schedule these posts out so I don't have to manually post everything.
New comment Jul '23
Now you can toggle between calendar and events list
We recently shipped these changes to the calendar feature. People loved the ability to set access permissions, cover images, etc. But most didn't like the events UI, they preferred the calendar. So... Now the calendar UI is back! And you can toggle between calendar/events list with a single click. We learned something from this: Next time we make any meaningful changes to the interface, we'll ship the change to a small beta group of communities and gather feedback there before we ship the change to everybody. Skool is a lot bigger now, and we need to adjust our process. We're learning!
New comment May 8
Now you can toggle between calendar and events list
3 likes • Jul '23
Thank you!!!
1-10 of 25
Sherice Kral
5points to level up
Helping you build unlimited revenue & impact online for businesses that offer services, coaching, or consulting

Active 277d ago
Joined May 3, 2023
Louisville, Kentucky
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