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Becoming More Me

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12 contributions to Becoming More Me
Watch Anger Dissolve into Peace and Love
👇 How do you relate to anger? Have you experienced healing through its release? Comment down below 😉 In our latest episode, I share a story about anger…an uncomfortable yet undeniably powerful emotion.🌊❤️ Often, we are taught to bottle up our anger, to deem it inappropriate or even dangerous. This can be especially true for men, who may feel they lack a safe outlet for their feelings. But what happens when this suppressed emotion is finally let go? This episode captures a transformative moment from our Chilliwack retreat, showcasing the raw and profound release of decades old anger. 🌺🔥 I witness tension and rage transform into a space of mutual support and deep connection. As one man courageously let his guard down, his anger morphed into vulnerability, and ultimately, a communal healing moment enveloped everyone present. 🤝❤️ Amidst this release, I found myself cornered, physically and emotionally, confronting my own fears as the room emptied in reaction. These moments—intense and reflective—pushed me to extend beyond comfort, reaching out with intentions of peace and healing. 🛋️💭 By channeling love and calm into the chaos, I was reminded of the power we all hold to not only face our own fears but to aid others in their emotional journeys. ✋🕊️ Tune into this episode as we explore the chaotic yet cathartic release of anger and the unexpected bonds it can forge. This is more than a recount of a retreat; it's an exploration into how we handle, suppress, or express the most fiery parts of our psyche. 🎧💡 I love unpacking these moments with you, learning to embrace not only the beauty but also the transformative potential within our most challenging emotions. Because sometimes, it’s through facing the storm that we truly find calm. 🌟❤️ Listen to episode HERE Watch it HERE
New comment 24d ago
Watch Anger Dissolve into Peace and Love
1 like • 27d
1 like • 24d
@Theresa Lear Levine I can just imagine!!❤️
✨💕✨Coaching on Forgiveness/Self-forgiveness✨💕✨
Last week, I let you all chime in on what would be helpful to be coached on and the topic of SELF FORGIVENESS surfaced. Here's some coaching direct from me to you to address the topic and remove some energetic blockages. Try it out and please let me know by commenting BELOW, how you felt BEFORE and how you felt AFTER participating in the exercise and any insightful AHA moments that you experienced... Grateful for all of you- Don't forget to weigh in on this week's free coaching opportunity HERE. xx,Theresa
New comment 27d ago
✨💕✨Coaching on Forgiveness/Self-forgiveness✨💕✨
0 likes • 27d
@Theresa Lear Levine yes you are correct. No change with just this one EFT session. Not all of them. Does not mean it didn't work, just my body didn't feel a big change. 😊
0 likes • 27d
@Theresa Lear Levine and you as well!🤗
Coaching on Getting Out of Your Own Way (Full EFT Tapping Round Included!)
Get excited! The first week of Free Coaching is HERE and we're focusing on resistance, procrastination, and self-sabotage!! This Video is Full of advice and EFT Tapping for the participant I chose randomly from the comments on last Monday's post (Watch the video to see if it's YOU!). I can't wait to hear from all of you who listen in the comments below about what helped you the most and what you want to see/hear more about in future coaching sessions! This offering for free coaching will be steered in the direction that you all lead it with your comments and contributions so don't keep your ideas to yourself! A new topic will be announced on MONDAY and we'll do this all over again for another random participant's submission! What are some topics you really want coaching on? (I'm open to your ideas, nothing is set in stone!). Have a great weekend! PS. Please don't mind my super casual video with messy hair, no makeup and a ripped my world, I'm getting ready to workout, my kids are home from school and we're having a snow day. I'll always keep things real for you! ;)
New comment Jan 20
Coaching on Getting Out of Your Own Way (Full EFT Tapping Round Included!)
2 likes • Jan 19
@MaryAddison Yates actually I found to slow the speed down helps too. Either way with the tapping you hear the words and so does your body.❤️
1 like • Jan 20
@Theresa Lear Levine when you understand that life is happening for us...we do find the gems.❤️
It's Time! Request Free Coaching NOW! Here's How...
It's our first week of FREE WEEKLY COACHING and we're going to kick it off with a bang and start by removing some blockages relating to HOW YOU GET IN YOUR OWN WAY! Here's what I need from YOU in order to be considered for coaching on FRIDAY! In the COMMENTS BELOW please provide: 1. ONE Specific way that you get in your own way. JUST ONE. We're getting SPECIFIC! 2. Describe how this behavior shows up in your life AND how long it's been happening. 3. Are there any triggers that bring on the behavior? 4. HOW do you FEEL when you do this/this occurs and WHY do you feel that way? (depending on the behavior you're sharing about, it may be helpful to share how you feel before, during or after.... ) 5. If I could wave a magic wand and get you out of your own way, how would you "show up", do this differently, change, or be transformed? Basically, what does life without this issue LOOK and FEEL like for you ideally? IMPORTANT: I can only coach based on the details you share here so make sure to give me at least a paragraph on the topics above. Details, feelings, examples, etc. are all SUPER beneficial and allow me to deliver better coaching! Please use the numbers 1-5 to answer the questions in order in the comments below. Each member of the community who answers all of the questions will be entered into this week's drawing for free coaching. On Friday, I will post a video providing coaching on that person's issue for everyone to be able to watch and benefit from. *If you haven't watched the video I posted last Thursday regarding this free coaching offering, check it out HERE
New comment Jan 19
It's Time! Request Free Coaching NOW! Here's How...
2 likes • Jan 17
I suppose I can honestly say I let my overwhelm of learning something new get in my way. Today for instance, I have been trying so hard to implement new things, which I need the internet for. It is glitching and buffering and freezing pretty much the whole day. Could be the storm coming in, but it overwhelmed me so much I went and swept the floor, mopped and vacuumed the whole house. Meanwhile getting nothing done. My logic brain stalls when my ancient brain thinks it has to run. Then of course I have a chatty husband. Who can talk for 10 minutes about how annoying the weather is and how the app lied to him about when the snow would show up. That energy drains me. Magic wand...fix my internet and create a pause for my husband to think before speaking. 🤣 So my brain doesn't feel like someone dumped dirt in it and I have to pause to clean it up first before I can use it again. 🤔
WEEK FOUR of the FREE 8-Week Coaching Program Comments, Questions and Takeaways
This week, I'm sharing several snippets from my new book that speak to the topic of how changing your mind changes everything. I'll be going into how I've incorporated Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) and hypnotherapy into my life and coaching practices and how you can make it work for your life and business! I'm also touching on the power of the subconscious mind and how we can rewire beliefs and behaviors. This truly is work that has the potential to change everything! Let's dig in! Watch the video for week four HERE. After you've watched the Week 4 Video, please share: 1. Do you still carry trauma from the onset (or other aspects of) the Pandemic? 2. What kinds of memories, circumstances, or behaviors you experienced as a child have led you to believe certain things as an adult? 3. What are some of the beliefs, habits, or symptoms you think you might be dealing with today as a result of your past? Changing your Mind starts NOW! Can't wait to hear your answers and support you through this! PS. Know someone who would love this training? Please share the link below with them! I thank you in advance!
New comment Nov '23
1 like • Oct '23
@Steph Jones well done!! Without knowing anymore than what you have written here, the level of your awareness and willingness to know, it could be and will be different, by your choice. It needs recognition. 👏👏👏🤗🤗 The road to healing is hard, but what comes out the other side when you are willing to feel and see the hard, stopping the resistance to feelings and letting them come and be seen and felt fully, will make the hard, so much more powerful to you. ❤️
2 likes • Oct '23
You are SO very welcome!🤗❤️
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Shelly Besancon
36points to level up
I am here to share the light. To share the love. To hold space to listen. I am a mom, a wife and I think everyone should laugh daily.

Active 12h ago
Joined Jun 12, 2023
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