WEEK FOUR of the FREE 8-Week Coaching Program Comments, Questions and Takeaways
This week, I'm sharing several snippets from my new book that speak to the topic of how changing your mind changes everything.
I'll be going into how I've incorporated Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) and hypnotherapy into my life and coaching practices and how you can make it work for your life and business!
I'm also touching on the power of the subconscious mind and how we can rewire beliefs and behaviors. This truly is work that has the potential to change everything! Let's dig in!
Watch the video for week four HERE.
After you've watched the Week 4 Video, please share:
  1. Do you still carry trauma from the onset (or other aspects of) the Pandemic?
2. What kinds of memories, circumstances, or behaviors you experienced as a child have led you to believe certain things as an adult?
3. What are some of the beliefs, habits, or symptoms you think you might be dealing with today as a result of your past?
Changing your Mind starts NOW! Can't wait to hear your answers and support you through this!
PS. Know someone who would love this training? Please share the link below with them! I thank you in advance!
Theresa Lear Levine
WEEK FOUR of the FREE 8-Week Coaching Program Comments, Questions and Takeaways
Becoming More Me
Empowering Busy-Minded Entrepreneurs to grow, integrate & create abundant & pleasurable relationships, business, & health w/o Anxiety & overwhelm.
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