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No Regret Living

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No Regret Living - former

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13 contributions to No Regret Living - former
Gratitude for small wins on a Friday!
Ever notice how we often wait for the ‘big’ victories to celebrate? Today, take a moment to recognize the small wins. Even getting out of bed on tough days is a triumph! What small win are you grateful for today? Mine aren't crazy. But with the old perspective I would have noticed the many things that still to be done, feeling the weight of the "lack" instead or cheering the things that got done and accomplished! It's a huge change in perspective! I progressed on getting my room ready for new painting tomorrow and the garage project is almost completed (new shelves!) and 3 full cars of stuff are gone! Then I invented a great supper while defrosting after sitting at the hockey arena for the first game of the season (love watching hockey but ain't warm!) and we watched a good movie together. So it was a day with a LOT OF WINS! And I'm grateful for it!! What about your wins? Share them here, so we can celebrate together!
New comment Nov '24
Gratitude for small wins on a Friday!
0 likes • Nov '24
Way to go! Great inspiration.Yes the little things add up. Win! Celebrate.
Make the Decision Right
After making an expensive purchase (and then doing mental ping pong, second guessing myself, regretting the purchase, and beating myself up), I was looking thru my notes from Wendy's calls. The mention of making the decision right sparked inspiring me to MAKE THE DECISION RIGHT. It is what is so. Arguing with reality is pointless. So now I am enjoying the purchase (it is useful for me). I MADE THE RIGHT DECISION!!
Clean Clean Clean--Tap Tap Tap
The monthly call this today was amazing. Wendy must be a mind reader. I have been beating myself up, ruminating, regretting, and then doing it more in regard to a purchase I made. I "should know better by now and know how to stop the nagging." Forgiving myself was a key takeaway. I am implementing a new system. I am starting with Clean, Clean, Clean. In addition, I say the statement Wendy shared regarding "I forgive myself for judging myself for_____. And doing rest of routine while I Tap Tap Tap!! I can tweak it and make it my own; however, I am just starting and not "trying" to get it perfect to start. I will be listening to the call again!
Developing a 'wishbone' rather than a 'backbone'
This was a short passage from the book "Power of Systems: How to Create a Life that Works" that I highlighted in my Kindle. "I become bogged down trying to find out what psychological qualities I need to add to achieve what I wish to achieve. But as the saying goes, spending all my time in the wishing well has me emerge with a wishbone instead of a backbone." The metaphor of being in the wishing well is quite powerful for me. I am working at developing my backbone, rather than my wishbone!! 🤣
New comment Oct '24
1 like • Oct '24
Reading the Power of Systems book I am aware that residing in my head and wanting to fix it psychologically gets me in the wishing well (just in my wishing head) versus changing the system I am using to develop a backbone. Magic Hour helps develop my backbone.
Embrace chance with Grace
Today I read a quote that said something in the lines of "life is change. Growth is optional" and I had to reflect on it for a minute, feeling profound gratitude for another incredible Fall day, a delightful lunch with @Valerie Kendall (who provides the most amazing hugs), a squeezed in power session at the gym and the opportunity to share the wins and a minute of daily gratitude with this community. Because here we choose Growth every single day, and we choose it with intention. Few people feel and are part of communities that grow. We are incredibly lucky. As per embracing the change.... I had a great walk with the dog in a sunny morning, a short and wet one in the afternoon and a very snow-white, slippery one tonight....🙄... Not impressed by the 3rd walk.... Not impressed at all.... But can't change it, so let's embrace that as well.
New comment Oct '24
Embrace chance with Grace
2 likes • Oct '24
Yes, lately I have been noticing how fast my life (and things/events) have been changing. Life is change--when I resist and "make wrong" what is happening I don't grow. I opt for growth.
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Sally S
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