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School of Fitness

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12 contributions to School of Fitness
Strength vs Conditioning vs Energy Systems Training?
Hey team, This was a blurry topic when I first got started, so I wanted to shed some light on the topic of Strength vs Conditioning and how much/often you should do each (Sample Workouts to Follow): The fitness industry is like a revolving door. One month there is a trend towards strictly running for cardio, other moments are all about nutrition and the latest diet trends, and then of course, the latest 'fitness studio/class' (Orange Theory, Pilates, CrossFit, etc.. you can fill in the rest). And instead of hopping on each of these bandwagons and being ALL IN until you fall off track, get busy, or get hurt, why not see them for what they are? Trends. And trends often come and go over time. Some have long-term momentum, while others come on the scene hot out of the gates, only to crash and burn after a few years. Listen, I am ALL FOR attending workout classes to socialize and have fun with friends, and training for specific events (like a marathon, hyrox, etc). But when it comes to your longevity, how will you balance these aspects of your training with doing the things your body truly needs to function optimally long-term? And just so I am clear, this post isn't to 💩 on any particular fitness modality.. if something gets you moving, DO IT! But do so knowing that you are likely leaving elements of your performance on the table because you are neglecting other aspects that are vital to optimizing the human condition. With all that said, what's my approach? I view things in terms of the human ENERGY SYSTEMS. What are they? (1) Phosphagen System (Anaerobic Metabolism - think sprints & low rep strength/power training) (2) Glycolytic System (Anaerobic/Aerobic Metabolism - think circuit-style strength/conditioning training) (3) Oxidative System (Aerobic Metabolism - think low-intensity steady state activity, like running a marathon or going for a walk) Each of the above can be trained every week with the right program structure to give you a combination of each energy system for overall optimization. As many of you have probably seen with my FLOLYFE programs (both my subscription and 1:1 programs), I utilize a variety of different training splits to promote training each of the energy systems every week.
New comment 7d ago
1 like • 11d
This is great information! Thank you!! Real quick, is workout #2 supposed to be a Pull workout? My question is: I have a race coming up in November. I need to improve my running, and most especially my distance. I will have to keep my strength training as well, especially for my upper body due to it being an OCR. Are any of your programs geared more towards that? And if not, how could I work on this and split it up without killing myself😂 (Disclaimer: i tend to go overboard 🫣) Thank you!!
1 like • 7d
@Colin Pasque awesome!!! Thank you!!! ❤️
Supplements: what the heck is Dr. C taking? 🤔
Hey crew, I got asked by an IG follower what supplements I am taking, and whether I was consuming everything on my supplement guide (you can find the guide in the Functional Athlete Secrets 101 course on Nutrition module). The answer is NO I am not taking everything on my supplement guide - that is more of a comprehensive list of suggestions to suite your unique needs. Here is my current stack: Morning: - TL Multi-vitmain - TL Krill oil - TL Gut health (probiotic) Day-Time: - TL Whey protein x 1.5 servings (~40g protein - usually in the morning for a 'snack') - TL HMB creatine (3-4x days per week post workout) - TL Hydration (post-workout) Night-time: - TL Joint Support - TL Magnesium bisglysinate And for those of you who don't know, I have Crohn's disease (got dx with it August 2023), so I am under the medical attention of a physician who has helped me get my inflammation under control medicinally to prevent the need for any severe surgeries. So far I am feeling incredible, and I know the supplement stack above has helped me in my recovery from this. The above stack is what works for ME - everyone is different and has different nutritional needs. I always recommend using supplements to help make up for what your diet lacks. When you use this approach, you won't waste money or consume things your body doesn't need. If you have any questions on the above stack, or need any suggestions, drop them below. Cheers to a new week - go get it! Dr. C
New comment 24d ago
2 likes • 27d
Dr C, why do you only take the creatine 3-4x a week versus everyday? And on what days do you take it? Curious as I have started taking creatine again.
1 like • 26d
@Colin Pasque thank you! When my husband is home, he tends to grill me alot of red meat (which i love!); but when he is gone for months at a time, I end up eating more chicken😆 Will definitely read this article!
How does everyone track their unilateral movements?
In the image below is how I had previously tracked lunges... Until yesterday. For context, in this session I was doing 12 lunges per leg using two 50 lb dumbbells for 4 sets(each leg). For whatever reason I had it in my head to track the total lunges for only one leg at half of the total weight. It worked because in the back of my head, I always knew what weight I was truly holding and how many reps/sets I was doing. Now I track the full weight and only total the reps/sets as if it was only 1 leg. How do you all track your unilateral movements?
New comment 27d ago
2 likes • 27d
I personally track TOTAL weight I am holding, but only track the reps done on one side. So if I am doing a total of 12 lunges (6 per side), holding 2 25# weights, i would track like this: 6 reps 50 pounds
How to Level Up on School of Fitness
Hey team, I just wanted to get on and explain how leveling up works here on the School of Fitness. How do I get points? ENGAGEMENT! Points are earned when others like your posts, comments, and replies. 1 like = 1 point for the author. What is the points required for each level? Level 1 - 0 points Level 2 - 5 points Level 3 - 20 points Level 4 - 65 points Level 5 - 155 points Level 6 - 515 points Level 7 - 2,015 points Level 8 - 8,015 points Level 9 - 33,015 points As I continue to rollout more content + course in the future, the point totals above will become much easier to obtain so long as you are staying engaged with the community. Please let me know if you have any questions on this! You are the best - keep it going 👊
New comment 4d ago
6 likes • Mar 17
Thank you! 🔥
3 likes • 27d
@Tyler McIntyre i couldnt agree more!
Finally getting this level up thing going (out with a bad cold). I finished the first module, what a ton of great information I can use now and in the future. So I am going to be starting the process of getting certification thru Show Up Fitness, I was curious if anyone else is doing it. It has been a while since I have done any type of studying, so if you got tips on memorization, please feel free to offer advice. Excited to get this going and see where it takes me in life : ).
New comment 26d ago
3 likes • Mar 22
Good luck!!! My way of memorizing things is finding a connection. I am very visual. So when it came to having to memorize information, i tried to relate it to something or even writing it out so i could SEE it. If that makes sense 😆
0 likes • 27d
@Ben Mccabe that is SO COOL!!! I am going to have to look that up! Thank you!
1-10 of 12
Nina Casteel
19points to level up
Homeschool mom of 3 & military spouse. Becoming an athlete in her mid 40s! LOVE OCRs and focusing on health and wellness to keep up with my kids ❤️

Active 5d ago
Joined Feb 22, 2024
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