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School of Fitness

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6 contributions to School of Fitness
Show me your sets!
Warm up Overhead reach Large Arm circles (forward / backwards) Helicopter Overhead reach > toe touch Front kick Side leg raise Standing Hip ROM Push day 4 rounds! Took ~40 mins Double KB Front squat to overhead press x 8 (35s) Full ROM Pushup x 15 (I use parallettes) Split squat x 8 (20 LB KB on working leg) Dips x 12 Frog Crunches x 20 Jump rope x 60 (If I mess up I add 10, just my own little game) Bonus, just whatever you feel like for time L sit for time (parallettes) Pistol squat bottom hold Fav track that played - Polarity by Assalm
New comment Apr 11
1 like • Apr 11
PULL DAY 4 rounds Australian pull up x 12 (alternate overhand, underhand grip) KB Swings x 25 DB curls x8 DB hip huggers x10 DB lateral raises X10 KB Cleans x8 es. Hollow body knee tucks X12
I've been struggling with focus and motivation. I tend to way overthink things and I get overwhelmed easily, which leads to distraction and stress. I found an app called Trident Mindset, so going to see how it goes and will give you an update. It is daily exercises for one year that is supposed to lead to a stronger mind, leading to stronger focus and discipline, especially when life gets stressful. I am about to finish the Daily Flo (Full gym), one course left. I am going to start the dumbbell routine. Just finished a 6 day vacation. So completely refreshed and recovered and ready to push harder : )
New comment Apr 23
3 likes • Apr 11
@Ben Mccabe I did a post on this and can certainly feel where you're coming from. Personally I've committed to doing at least 1 set of that movement focused day regardless of how I feel, but make it super simple. Push day: 20 pushups, 20 squats Pull day: 6-10 pull or chin-ups, 20 swings If I'm just not feeling either 5 Navy seal burpees as a bare minimum. Not even feeling that...go for a walk or stretch. Sometimes that's it, sometimes I feel like doing more and come up with a full rotation. Just gotta move. I've found it's not necessarily how hard or how much you do...but how often you do it that gets results. Be kind to yourself, you don't have to do it 100%...100% of the time.
Increasing Load vs Increasing Volume
Hey team, I got asked on an IG FAQ - "is it better to increase your load (amount of weight/resistance) or your volume (amount of reps) as you get stronger?" And my answer is: it depends 😅 Let me explain.. When you are just getting started, it is hard to know 'how hard' or how 'heavy' something feels. Maybe you've never lifted weights or done resistance training before. But as time goes on, and you begin to develop better form with your lifts, you begin to label weights as 'heavy' vs 'light.' This is where you can truly begin to progress in your training, simply by having the body awareness to increase or decrease load based on what your goals are. This is where the RPE Scale comes into play - aka, "Rating of Perceived Exertion" (I attached a nice, color-coated graphic that explains this in more detail) The RPE scale gives us a numerical way of labeling 'how heavy' or 'how difficult' something feels to us on any given day. So, when I am doing light activity with minimal effort (think: chilling on the couch), I am probably around a 1/10 on the RPE scale. When I am giving max effort (think: assault bike sprints), maybe I am a 9 or 10/10 on the RPE scale. WHERE SHOULD YOU BE FOR MAX RESULTS IN STRENGTH TO TAKE PLACE? a 7-9/10... This is the range you should shoot for on a regular basis to truly progress and get your best out of yourself. With that said, lets answer the above question: increase load, or increase volume? Scenario 1: if you have unlimited weight options (aka, you have a bitchin home gym OR workout in a commercial gym), INCREASE LOAD until you reach the 7-9/10 RPE Scenario 2: you have limited weight options (aka, maybe you have a few dumbbells/kettlebells at home), INCREASE VOLUME until you reach the 7-9/10 RPE (do this within reason. I usually start by increasing the volume by 5 reps at a time, and decrease my rest periods to introduce more intensity to whatever circuit or exercise I am doing at that time). That's it. You can apply this principle to any workout or rep range given to you, especially in the progressive FLOLYFE programs.
New comment Apr 11
1 like • Apr 11
@Nina Casteel Sorry to hear about your gut issues. I had a similar experience and cut gluten out of my diet over 20 yrs ago. All my gut issues disappeared. It may be worth journaling what you eat and when you go to see if there is a pattern 😅
Start Here
Hello! Welcome to the Skool of Fitness. The goal of this skool is to help regular people master the art of functional fitness to lose weight, move pain-free, & to discover + empower themselves with the tools they need to find their FLO in life all through free course, self-education, and community. 👉 Start by checking out these links - Classroom - Free eBook: Functional Fitness Secrets - The Daily FLO Subscription (Group Training) - 1:1 FLO Training Academy Coaching (Custom Training) 👉 To kick things off, please comment below introducing yourself. Let us know: 1. Your name 2. What style of fitness you are currently doing OR most love (strength, aerobic, power lifting, crossfit, etc) See you in the comments! **Additional Helpful Resources** - Recommended Equipment - My Supplements + Supplement Guide - Kettlebell Calculator
New comment 1d ago
3 likes • Mar 27
Hello all, my name is Matt m.r.keys on IG. I first saw Dr. Colin on IG in 2020 or so on a PT page when I was focusing on mobility. Not sure if it's a style, but am currently into strength/mobility that leans more towards calisthenics .w KB movements for strength. The flolyfe seems like a perfect fit. I'm in my late 40s so am more focused on longevity and mobility. Everything else is just a bonus. Some hobbies include 2v2 sand volleyball, surfing, hiking, and mountain biking (what I do most currently). Looking to keep up those activities as long as possible and be healthy for the kiddos!
0 likes • Apr 2
@Amanda Hock Hi Amanda, what a resume! We're lucky to have you here. Welcome to the group. 😄
How is everyone staying consistent?
I'll go first. Let's be honest, sometimes you just don't feel like working out. I've found on those days it's helpful to have a go to list of mobility, push, pull, and leg movements. Then just at least do a warmup of sorts out of that list for the movement specific day. 9/10 times I end up wanting to do more. Here recently I've committed to at least 10 no jump burpees w a mountain climber to each arm during the pushup (so 3 pushups before standing=1) a day if nothing else. What do you do? Do you have a minimum? Would love to hear. Thanks!
New comment Apr 15
1 like • Mar 30
@Jill Dixon that's awesome, glad its keeping you motivated! Thanks for sharing. 😄
1 like • Apr 2
@Miriam Singler Heck yeah, that's beast mode. Get it Miriam 🔥
1-6 of 6
Matthew Keys
39points to level up
Full time Dad / IT professional | Parttime Hiker, Surfer, Mountain biker

Active 47d ago
Joined Mar 27, 2024
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