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3 contributions to Technician Find Community
Staying Connected With Techs Without Being a Pest
I get asked all the time by shop owners how they should stay connected to technicians that they've talked to but aren't ready to leave their current shop. I share lots of stuff that I've seen over the years that works but I haven't taken the time to write it all down yet. So this morning I got asked again and I thought I'd put the task on my AI Automotive Technician Avatar Jason Perkins and see what he had to say. Here's what "he" said: The best way to stay in touch without being a pest is to keep communication professional, meaningful, and spaced out appropriately. Here's what would resonate well based on the technician profile described in the document: Subject Line Ideas for Emails or Text Messages: - “Exciting Updates at [Shop Name] – Thought You’d Be Interested!” - “Hey Jason, Quick Check-In – Hope All’s Well!” - “New Tools, Training, and More – Let’s Catch Up!” 1. Occasional Check-Ins Purpose: Maintain contact without pressure. Timing: Every 2-3 months. Example Messages: - "Hey Jason, I hope things are going great at your current shop. We’ve just added some new diagnostic tools and started offering paid certifications. Let me know if you'd like to swing by and check things out—no pressure at all!" - "Hi Jason, just checking in to see how things are going. We’re still growing and adding new opportunities here. If you’re ever looking for a change, feel free to reach out." 2. Provide Value in the Messages Purpose: Offer useful information related to career growth, training, and industry trends. Timing: Once every 3-4 months or when relevant opportunities arise. Example Messages: - "Hi Jason, I thought you might be interested in this new training program we’re sponsoring on hybrid vehicle diagnostics. Let me know if you’d like more info!" - "Hey Jason, I came across this article on mastering ADAS calibrations and thought it might be useful for you—let me know what you think!" 3. Highlight Improvements and Successes at Your Shop Purpose: Keep them informed about positive changes that could make your shop more appealing. Timing: When you make updates to pay, tools, or benefits.
New comment Jan 4
2 likes • Jan 3
I always stay in contact with technicians that show promise but just aren't ready to make the change. We have a booth/tickets for our local NA3HL team that I will give potential technicians. This gives them a chance to meet the team and the team to meet them. I also invite them to stop by and "tour" our shop. I generally check in every 5 to 7 weeks with them to see how things are going.
Secrets of a Shop Owner Who Hires Techs Fast
Welcome to the first episode of the Blue Check Shops interview series, powered by Technician Find. Over the past six years, we've generated over 80,000 applications for 156 independent auto and diesel repair shops across the U. S. And I've noticed that the top shops that we work with, who were able to hire within a few weeks, do things differently. We would send a bunch of applications to one shop, and they'd hire in a few weeks. We'd send a bunch of applications to another shop, and they would hire in a month or two or not at all. My goal with this series is to pull back the curtain and share the secrets of these top shops so that other independent shops can gain from this wisdom, hire great team members faster, and retain them longer. Show Notes: In this episode of the Blue Check Shops interview series, @Chris Lawson talks with Technician Find Community member @Phil Webster, owner of Webster Tire and Auto Service in Teutopolis, Illinois. Phil shares his wisdom on how to quickly hire and retain great technicians. You can find the full interview in the Classroom via this link: Automotive Technician Hiring: Secrets of a Shop Owner Who Hires Techs Fast
New comment Dec '24
Secrets of a Shop Owner Who Hires Techs Fast
2 likes • Dec '24
@Chris Lawson I will get this watched first thing in the morning - before we open so that I don't get interupted.😁
In order to get acquainted and and help fellow community members, please share: 1. The name and location of your shop. 2. Your biggest frustration with finding techs. 3. How you found your last tech.
New comment 2d ago
1 like • Feb '24
Mandy Wall with Platinum Garage in Gillette, WY. Finding qualifed technicians has been our biggest struggle. We never lack applicants, but qualified applicants are few and far between. The last qualified tech that we hired came from a local shop. They were making a lot of changes that he wasn't happy with. I also got my last service advisor from the same shop for the same reason. Both have been A+++ hires.
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Mandy Wall
15points to level up
I'm a working service manager at an independant repair facility in Wyoming.

Active 1d ago
Joined Feb 19, 2024
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