Journaling with Lesson 16
You have no neutral thoughts because each thought results in how you choose to define yourself, others, and the world around you. Today, we recognize that every thought within the thinking mind is not but a declaration upon the world, about your perceived self. In body-time-self, you do not recognize the Supreme Power of Creation. Understandably so! This Power is tremendously, expansively more than any limited thinking mind can begin to conceptualize. Ultimately, this Power is within You, as Same-Self-Source, because You are Source's Pure Extension โ Being radiant and luminous as Source IS evermore. Creationโs natural tendency is to create or to further extend. Extend you shall, either mindlessly through illusions or in Truth. Yes, only Truth contains Reality and so has Pure Awareness; but, this does not mean that you in body-time-self cannot recognize the results of your thinking. This is why, in todayโs practice we call attention to their being no neutral thoughts. You, as Created by Source, are not neutral and neither can any part or proclamation from You be neutral. Beloved, become conscious of this ability to channel the Power of Ultimate Being and not but every explanation of every form within the world is realized. The course of your choice for either Truth or illusion can make your life one of Heaven or hell. The presence of a self-designated hell will most likely be an unconscious choice, projected out to be a result of blame, shame or guilt and lack, loss or limitation; however, self-proclaimed this experience still remains. See the opportunity to release your mind! Reframe and absolve each hellish proclamation seen within you and by you, directed towards or perceived to be received by the world. Here, not but Peace and Love are Seen as You. The Seeing of Wholeness cannot exist in time; while also, your accomplishments through these practices will lead you to the Realization beyond every imagining. Here, like a simple doorway, you cannot but step through. Before we begin to wonder how close we are or how much we have accomplished and in what state this advancement or retreat proceeds, we simply shall practice. Stay with Me in this moment to choose again and the distance does not matter. This is why, outside of time and the temptation to define, I call this the Journey without distance. For here you seem to be in now. Where we proceed is not but the Only Place that Knows You as Truth.