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Guided Forgiveness Meditation is happening in 5 days
Lesson 208 I am not a body. I am free. For I am still as God created me.
188 The peace of God is shining in me now. ²I will be still, and let the earth be still along with me. ³And in that stillness we will find the peace of God. ⁴It is within my heart, which witnesses to God Himself. ⁵I am not a body. ⁶I am free. ⁷For I am still as God created me. (
Lesson 207 I am not a body. I am free. For I am still as God created me.
187 I bless the world because I bless myself. God’s blessing shines upon me from within my heart, where He abides. ³I need but turn to Him, and every sorrow melts away, as I accept His boundless Love for me. ⁴I am not a body. ⁵I am free. ⁶For I am still as God created me. (
Lesson 206 I am not a body. I am free. For I am still as God created me.
186 Salvation of the world depends on me. ²I am entrusted with the gifts of God, because I am His Son. ³And I would give His gifts where He intended them to be. ⁴I am not a body. ⁵I am free. ⁶For I am still as God created me. (
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New member
Hello everyone Nice meeting you. I'm Big Joe by name and will be awesome connecting with you
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My quote of today
The essence of everything for now is: I LOVE. Please beautiful people feel free to join the field. 🩷💚💕💛💖 YES.
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