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Low-Carb School

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9 contributions to Low-Carb School
Hi - was there a live this week please? I have a couple of questions as striving to be an elite carnivore….not there yet but eating beef, eggs, steak (some chicken), water and electrolytes and salt when needed is my goal - I get easily persuaded that smoothies with clean protein are ok 🤦🏽‍♀️ 1) How can I increase glutathione as I don’t have the glutathione gene. 2) I use coconut oil for cooking- can I have tins of coconut milk (not the whole thing) with a plain (chocolate no stevia or sweetener) broth from planet paleo as a treat or best just sticking to water and electrolytes
New comment 15d ago
1 like • 15d
@Susan Lewis Fantastic thank you - I couldn't find this week's but found it now :) Thanks re glutathione - I have been taking glutathione on and off and NAC the pre-curser but wondered if Carnivore meant I could make glutathione another way. Thanks for your help :)
Hey😃…. I just did something that I haven’t been able to do in a really long time, since my hands curled up….. I CAN SCRATCH MY HEAD!!!🎉🎉 This may sound like a little thing but before my hands were so tightly curled and my fingers were not strong enough to actually be able to do this. The fact that I can now do this means that my hands have loosened up more AND my fingers are getting stronger. (In the last few weeks I could tell when I gripped onto things that my fingers were actually getting stronger). I am embracing EVERY little change right now because I know that they are all adding up. This morning one of my friends asked me how I was doing and I said FANTASTIC!🤩
New comment 15d ago
1 like • 16d
Fantastic- how long have you been eating carnivore now? I slipped off as we went away but focused now for the long haul x
2 likes • 16d
@Lisa Bean amazing news - well done! A true inspiration and can’t wait to hear what other improvements you get 🙏 well done!
Too far outside of carnivore? Mushroom powder in your coffee? I was just watching a show where they were growing lion’s mane mushrooms for dried powder and so I had to look it up. They tout all sorts of health benefits with very little/no carb additions - so what’s the downside? Do they contain toxins that counteract all the good in our carnivore diets? So many questions are swirling in my head. I like a good morel in the spring with my steak and butter but they are fleeting and rare. I haven’t done much research into it. Anyone have an experience with mushrooms? Also, though I’m pretty brave, I’m not a mushroom forager type - too many look-a-likes that will give you proper stomach issues so I’d probably just buy some from a reputable knowledgeable source. I do see nature’s ecosystem as a source of potential medicine though so where do things like mushrooms fit in?
New comment 15d ago
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I have heard reishi and lions mane helps MS and have bought some but not sure whether to try them while focusing on carnivore??
30 plants a week…..?
I read about Prof Tim Spector of the Zoe app saying we must try & eat 30 different plants. Yet, you guys are saying it’s all about the meat. He’s a prof, surely he knows what he’s talking about….? Personally I am all in for meat but it’s really confusing. What do we think?
New comment 16d ago
2 likes • 16d
I tried to do what Tim suggests for years but got more sick… I have MS. I definitely feel better when in ketosis and just eat meat 🙏
Ready To Say Good Bye To Muscle Spasticity
Good Day All🤗 I am new here but I have been eating Carnivore for 10 months now. I was diagnosed with a Motor Neuron Disease called Primary Lateral Sclerosis (PLS) 6 years ago. This disease is similar to ALS and it has robbed me of the ability to walk and talk. Prior to my diagnosis I exercised every day, I was super fit🏃🏽‍♀️🚴🏽‍♀️and I held an executive position that was very stressful. The main symptom of PLS is SUPER tight muscles and my most troublesome areas are my calf muscles. I have looked at hundreds of Carnivore testimonial videos hoping to find someone who has been able to reverse severe muscle spasticity, like what I am dealing with, but I have not come across one yet. Most Carnivores report experiencing significant weight loss and improvements in their gut health, bowel activity, energy levels, brain fog, joint mobility and with skin issues. I have seen some testimonies of people reversing MS and Parkinson’s symptoms, but I don’t recall any of these folks mentioned having suffered with constant, extreme muscle tightness before embarking upon the Carnivore WOE. In today’s meeting, Richard provided me with a couple of tips to help refine my Carnivore regimen in an effort to keep Calcium super low (cut out dairy - I only eating Butter 🧈 and let go of eggs) Plus I should consider upping my Magnesium and take Electrolytes regularly. He also mentioned that Coffee should be avoided however, I have never been a coffee drinker. I am hopeful that I can get my calf muscles to relax, so that I am able to walk🚶🏽‍♀️again.🤞🏽🌈
New comment Apr 19
4 likes • Apr 18
Hi Lisa - Sara was fantastic and advised daily grounding, distilled water, high electrolytes (potassium and magnesium especially), lots of time outdoors - watch the sunrise, then out again before 10am, over lunch (for vitamin D) and afternoon or sunset. I already do breath work and cold water therapy which she encourages too. The only bad thing was that she doesn't like carnivore!? She encouraged Keto though. However I'm sticking with carnivore :-) Sara has a monthly subscription group I might join to learn more for a couple of months over the summer.
2 likes • Apr 18
@Lisa Bean thank you :) Just listened to this one and it's great! I struggle with bloating and it is improving although still pooping water despite cutting out extra fat...I go away in just over a week and really don't want to add berries but I know fixes my upset stomach.
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Kate Dawson
22points to level up
Mum of two boys Loves spending time with my family, being outdoors and all things health

Active 5d ago
Joined Mar 12, 2024
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