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Created by Kahlil

The Phlebotomy Gems Group

Public • 1.4k • Free

Start your Mobile Phlebotomy Business + Get contracts and partnerships you deserve

Mobile Phlebotomy MasterMind

Private • 76 • $47/m

Learn About: Pricing Phlebotomy Services, Government Contracts, Nursing Home Partnership, CLIA Waived Testing, Partnering With Labs, Legal Compliance


Skool Community

Public • 116.3k • Paid

The 10k Club

Private • 10.3k • Free (Free)

Public • 5.6k • Free

The Skool Games

Private • 17.3k • Free

6 contributions to Skool Community
Welp...IT'S finally about to happen! 331 of 350 people registered !! Going Live in 20 mins!!
Wish me good vibrations everyone! Ill let you know how i convert...whter its good, or bad..i know ill learn something from this ! So far i have 71 people in my group...i cant wait to see how many ill have after the Live Phlebinar ill be having ! #UpDateYouLater
New comment Apr 6
Welp...IT'S finally about to happen! 331 of 350 people registered !! Going Live in 20 mins!!
I have OVER 200+ People registered For Live Zoom "Phlebinar" this Saturday 😅
So ! have 200+ people interested in my live session that ill be having on Starting a Mobile phlebotomy business (Essentially the Uber for Bloodwork ). Im shooting to get 500+ although I was able to get the first 200+ prospects to sign up within 4 hours was a first for me ! 😃 Like ..... W...T...F...🤯 I literally (Humbly) wanted to offer this to 50 keep it Sweet and Simple.... UNTIL I was alarmed with 100's of constant DM's about how people weren't able to sign up and register after the first hour had went by *Me with a confused face* 🥴 Because I knew for a FACT the funnel was setup and i used Stanstore which was such a simple process (and not tedious and time consuming like Click Funnels...if you know know...pain in theeee ass) So i looked at my numbers and saw that 50 people signed up and 273 people viewed my page 🤯 WTFFFF!!!!! 🤟😆🤟 This was hugeeee for me !!!! So i opened up another funnel so i could collected more prospects and of course more data and to see if this one would fill up... but at this time...i opened 150 seat (just for shits and giggles 🤷🏾‍♂️) Yooo why did the seats fill up 2 hours times with people asking for MORE SLOTS! and its only Wednesday!🤯 So now my plan will be to KILL my live Phlebinar on Saturday in hopes to convert these prospects into Skool members I'm going to shoot for 500 people by Saturday and hopefully convert a good 10% + of them over to the skool group and then give them value for a better 1:1 conversion Well try and see what happens 🤷🏾‍♂️
New comment Apr 5
I have OVER 200+ People registered For Live Zoom "Phlebinar" this Saturday 😅
1 like • Apr 5
@Sean Mize thank you very much!! Im really trying !! I appreciate you for showing support! It goes unnoticed and very appreciated :)
1 like • Apr 5
@Sean Mize I’m at 264 people so far, from a 1 day promotion !! 😄 tomorrow goal will to have at least 350 by Friday 😄
I went from 160 request to 400+ Members !!
Woahhhhhh !!!!! It’s finally happening! The moment where I finally had an “Ah ha!” Moment (as Russel Brunson would say) I finally mastered my offer and I know exactly HOW to funnel these prospects here and keep them loving the community and keeping it engaging ! I just wanted to share my update because I struggled at all of this at first and now I’m seeing the light at the end of the tunnel….i have a paid subscription that I’m about to channel them into and soar from there! I’ll keep everyone posted on my journey to riches ❤️🫶🏾💉😄🎉
New comment Apr 4
I went from 160 request to 400+ Members !!
2 likes • Apr 1
@Franz Snideman Thanks man !! This is just the begining
4 likes • Apr 1
@Lee Collins i appreciate this man ! I hope i soar with this to help so many more families ! My niche is unique...but its so underated and many need so happy you are able to see the greatness in it !! Thank you so much !!
Update (I’m now at 200+ waiting for access😅)
Mannn I’m really nervous! Can someone please be a blessing and give me some advice 😭 I’m about to let them in soon….but my last 2 questions are this : 1. In my Free group…am I uploading the “Freebies/Lead Magnets” on my “Wall” post for the community to see ? Or am I posting this as a “tab” for ppl to click on and download or does it even matter ? 2.Did the first question make sense ?
New comment Mar 27
Update (I’m now at 200+ waiting for access😅)
2 likes • Mar 26
@Genc Doda this is the answer !!!!!!!!
2 likes • Mar 26
@Genc Doda now would you have your PAID classes shown in the FREE group ? Or just fill the “Classroom” with JUST Freebies/lead magnets for them to check out ? And are you gamifying this process as well ? Thank you so much for responding man 🙌🏾😭 it’s been heaven and hell for me and this process lol
I think I’m finally onto something 🤞🏾
I just really got into this program and once I. Really understood how fun and excited it’s been …Skool has been my main focus ! This is my first post in here…but I’m excited to chat and get to know other likeminded individuals! My niche is Mobile Phlebotomy (Uber For Bloodwork) and I coach Phlebs , nurses and medical assistants how to start their own practice 😄 I’d love to connect and chat to meet others on this platform ! I’m also a big DBZ , Fortnite & Marvel Vs Capcom fan💉🚗😄 #nicetoconnect
New comment Mar 23
I think I’m finally onto something 🤞🏾
1 like • Mar 23
@Mike Morales Tons of interest man! Just finalize some things before i let them through the door !! I cant wait to see how this does !
1 like • Mar 23
@Sean Mize thank you very much Mr Sean ! I cannot wait to launch this machine ! I appreciate your encouragement so much sir ! This journey wasn’t easy…I’m just glad and blessed I’m beginning to reap the rewards 🙌🏾🤝🏾
1-6 of 6
Kahlil Thomas
39points to level up
Learn How To Start & Scale Your Mobile Phlebotomy Business

Active 4h ago
Joined Feb 20, 2024
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