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Product Synthesis

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7 contributions to Product Synthesis
How's your product intuition?
Ever look at a product and feel immediately underwhelmed? You know when you get the sense that something just isn’t going to work from the get go? Of course the opposite is true too, where you hear an idea, download and app, or find a physical product you’re immediately sure it's going to work too. I’ve been thinking a lot about intuition this week, and what the component parts of ‘product intuition’ might be. For me I think the starting point is the offer (what is it, who’s it for), the experience, and the business model - if any of those feel out of whack, then I’m immediately skeptical, but what do ya’ll think? What triggers your spidey sense for products?
New comment Dec '23
2 likes • Dec '23
I tend to cycle through: 1. What clear problem(s) does it solve 2. Can someone select this as the answer to their Job To Be Done? 3. Then more intuitively than anything, where does this fit in the buyers decision making criteria as the are trying to win the day
You Favorite Way to Manage Up?
I was thinking of the variety of ways I've had to manage up in Fortune 500 roles, and how others have had to manage up to me when I've been in the c-suite. Curious what is the 1 or 2 approaches or methods you take to manage up? Not wanting to suggest its good or bad to have to do it or not. Just when its what is needed what is your go to? I think this applies to when we function as an outside consultant as well. But all feedback and thoughts are welcome.
New comment Dec '23
2 likes • Dec '23
One thing I do is a simple Red Yellow Green one pager that gives date of last activity, the current status and what's next and the estimated date of it. And then just surface headwinds / tailwinds. Allow that to be a common information radiator they can engage with and if they get into strategy or vague narratives, I can show how their remarks are in fact covered already in the RYG or those are new items and qualify if it needs to be rolled into this RYG ..... the implication is that we can only do so many RYG so we can discuss trade offs and big WHY questions etc.
1 like • Dec '23
@David Finnegan see above
Hi, I'm Abe, a Product Designer
Hello everyone, I am Hrvoje Abraham (I know, it's hard to pronounce, so Abe is fine 😅). I am a product designer, with over 7 years of experience in product, mostly UX. I am currently working at Porsche Digital, working on various aspects of digital solutions for one of the most established car brands in the World. As of recently, I am also a Workshopper Master and Facilitator, which I'm very excited about. What got me into product geekiness is my everlasting curiosity about how things work, and also AJ&Smart's design sprint and workshopping YouTube videos. I love everything around product development, especially the early discovery phases and strategy. One of my favorite UX methods is Jobs-To-Be-Done, although I don't think it's the ultimate one. In my spare time, I love reading about UX, product strategy, facilitation, and spirituality, as well as spending time with my family - my wife, and my three little kiddos. I am always open to new opportunities when it comes to workshop creation and facilitation, especially ones involving product design and strategy. I'm happy David created this group as it seems it will be a valuable source of learning and connecting. Nice to see some familiar faces from the Inner Circle Mentorship! P.S. If you want to connect, here's the link to my LinkedIn Profile. I try to post on an everyday basis, so you might find some insightful stuff or start some discussions.
New comment Dec '23
2 likes • Nov '23
Welcome to the group! I like JTBD too!
I'm Justin. Growth & Scale Leader
Hi there, I'm Justin and have 25 years in B2B tech (saas and paas) product from e-com, fintech, and proptech. Have been a variety of senior leadership roles at startups, mid-size companies and a couple fortune 500's. My passion is to help leaders achieve ambitious goals by building high performing teams. I do product leadership consulting for growth and scale. My favorite part of work is where we use the whiteboards and sticky-notes. I think facilitating workshops is fun. Big book reader. Love to learn. I have bought too many only courses and info products over the years :) Secretly I want to write sci-fi stories. Love movies and music. My personal mission is: Love People. Create Value. Say hi. I like smart people. I released a course this year, hope to do more courses. Trying to write a book now. Connect with me here: Read my leadership & growth articles here
New comment Nov '23
1 like • Nov '23
@Iain Baxter I'd like to make it the norm. The book I'm currently trying to write is on this topic. To do this is no accident, which is why it's the exception rather than the norm - so if we think of leaders as a coach, he needs plays in the playbook he does not yet have. I'm trying to do that for leaders. There is, as you can imagine, things the team must do, things the leader must do, and things the org must do to enable high performing teams. I call it the me, we, all of us transition. So you can have high performing teams without full organizational support. Ideally though, your change the leaders to change the teams. So, when I do consulting, I engage the leader to grow with the team as the team grows so they both level up together. To do this, I use a few proprietary frameworks and a decent amount of education and anchor on the Simplicity of Vision, Values, Velocity to illustrate helpful guardrails. Any of this seem interesting? How would you describe the state of your current team to know if it is low performing or high performing?
1 like • Nov '23
@Eugenia T Thank you! It's taken years to get it down to those 4 words!
Question for Group. Value Horizons Definition
I'm wondering two things. Do you use the term value horizons in your PM and strategy efforts? How do you define / explain value horizons to others in your own words?
New comment Nov '23
1 like • Nov '23
@Louis Childs Thanks for sharing! Yes, I like that format and a fan of now, next, later. This also makes it very easy to consume and engage in for discussion. It also reminded me of this bit in one of @Phil Hornby podcast
0 likes • Nov '23
@Phil Hornby Very helpful, I'd like to talk to you more about this in a call. Good stuff! Thanks for sharing.
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Justin McCullough
34points to level up

Active 106d ago
Joined Nov 27, 2023
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