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Product Bookclub Check-in! is happening in 11 days
Hey there everybody this is Chetna saying hi from Stockholm!
Hola - happy to bump into this place. I am a long time Product Manager and have built for diverse domain and companies. Always on the lookout for conversations, ideas, and meeting people! I have been working in Copenhagen, but in process of moving myself to Sthlm. So I will be up for a fika/coffee in central Sthlm some time. I am learning Swedish at the moment, and trying my best to incorporate gym life into my otherwise new-mom life. Hit me up to talk about books, technology products, building products & businesses ☕
New comment Feb 17
Hello, Hola, Hej!
Hello all! Finally getting around to introducing myself. It's a bit past the suggested first week timeline, but better late then never 😬. My name is Miguel, I'm originally from Toronto, Ontario, Canada, but currently located in Gothenburg, Sweden. I see there are a couple of others also living in the land of Fika, so Hej Hej to all of you 👋! Also Glad Fetisdagen (fat Tuesday). Hope you all take some time to enjoy a semla today. A bit about my background. I'm currently working as a UX designer at one of the Big 4 consultancies. I've worked in UX/Product for the last 8 years in a handful of different companies/industries. I started my career as a graphic designer, and eventually stumbled into UX design. I love getting into anything creative. My toxic trait is wanting learn a new tool and skillset every other week lol😅 (from 3D modelling, to iOS dev, etc.). Most recently my time has been occupied with helping my partner launch and run a yoga studio here in Gothenburg. That has been a creatively fulfilling project for me, as I've been able to help bring her vision to life, and it has allowed me to workout my Graphic Design muscle which I seldom use these days. Excited to be here and nerd out about product with you all. Also, want to try and find time to dive into some of the books that David has been reading for the book club. I don't think I have the capacity to keep up live on a monthly cadence with all the books, but hopefully I can read along with at least one in the near Future. Bye, Adios, Hejdå! (P.S. my Swedish is limited to the 2-3 words I used in this post lol)
New comment Feb 15
Hi everyone, I'm Simon
Having met @David Finnegan on what I think was one of the last great product design conferences before the COVID thing happened, it was cool to learn that he's made this great online community for people that are interested in product. To talk a bit about myself, I'm Simon, a product designer from the strange country of Belgium🇧🇪. I just returned to Brussels after 2 years living in the Netherlands where I've joined a group of crazy product people that want to get our product management and design to the next level. I love joining people that are obsessed with product from all over the world, so I'm happy to join you all. I'm happy to connect with you on Linkedin: Hope to see you around👋.
New comment Feb 2
Greetings! I'm Steph.
Thanks to my colleague, @Monica Joy Krol, for sharing this community. I am a product manager who is always looking to learn and improve. I have mostly served higher education institutions through my work and a brief stint supporting defense contractors solidified for me that my professional passion is in supporting the higher ed domain. I live in Northern Virginia on a small farm raising bees, chickens, and cattle. I have a teen and two young adults still at home. My hobbies include the fiber arts and I want to collect fiber from my herd to have spun into yarn. I won't be able to participate in the book readings much because next week I begin my studies for a doctorate. I love learning from my customers about their "why". Why are they doing X? What is their goal? Is there a product limitation that is impacting their ability to achieve the goal? How can I help make things better? Ultimately, it's the last question that brings me satisfaction. Pictured is Maple, one of my herd mommas.
New comment Jan 23
Hi I'm Abel! 🙌
Hi everyone! I'm Abel! Very excited to be part of this budding product community! To introduce myself, I'm a product designer and facilitator from the Philippines. I've been working independently for most of my career, helping my clients build new digital products and services. As an overview, my process involves workshops, design thinking, and design production. Lately, I've buried my head under the sand to put my product development process into paper. Looking forward to having discussions about product development, discovery, product design, and workshops. Aside from the nerdy work stuff, I'm into anime, video games, personal development books, basketball, and specialty coffee. Here's a photo of me and my girlfriend's dog. 😄
New comment Jan 23
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