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The Weight Loss Blueprint

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6 contributions to The Weight Loss Blueprint
The End πŸ‘€
Unfortunately this community is coming to a close. In my life right now I've slowly backed off of online coaching, and I'm pivoting into becoming a YouTube consultant. I'll reveal my channel soon, but for now, I'm closing this community (costs $99 a month to run a community), and I'll be focusing on my YouTube community. If you're interested in growing on YouTube then check out YouTube Launch This community will remain dormant, unsure if you'll be able to access the course material. I can send you unlisted YouTube videos if you need any of the sections. For now, either see you on my socials, or in my YouTube community. I wish you all the best on your weight loss efforts. As a final note, I still will offer online coaching, I'm just not investing the time to advertise it or chase up on people who may want it, if you would like 1-on-1 coaching, you know where I am ❀️
New comment Apr 26
1 like β€’ Apr 26
Best of luck with the new venture mate! Thanks for everything, definitely changed my life for the better. Would be great the be able to have the materials from here if possible for reference πŸ’ͺ
Catching yourself when slipping...
So I've lost about 15lb since January, mostly by counting calories and holding myself accountable. It's not an easy journey but it's worth it. March hit and I've gained 4lb/5lb... I think it's important to realise you can't be perfect all the time, it's natural to go off track sometimes but it's important to catch yourself and be aware of it. I've caught myself now before it is "too late" and I gain a lot more... but it could be worse. Am I going to say "This sucks, I'm a failure I've gained weight..." no, I've lost 10-11lb overall and will get back on the wagon. Life's always gonna get in the way, but you gotta make changes and push through the mess ups and continue pushing forward, before you know it you'll be smashing your goals! TL;DR: Try catch yourself when you're slipping and hold yourself accountable, no one is perfect and sometimes just being "good enough" is what is important.
New comment Apr 3
2 likes β€’ Apr 2
Definitely needed to see this for a bit of a kick, Easter over indulgence hit me, but back to the gym this morning and sticking to my deficit. You've got this dude!
On the way ↓
Hi there. Sending greetings from Bali. I'm 39 years old and about 3 months ago, I decided it was time to reverse the direction of the digital dial. It's a challenge because, even though I'm 197 cm tall, weighing 155 kg definitely didn't suit me. Currently, I'm at 145 kg (so that's 10 kg down πŸ”₯) and my next goal is 110 kg (hopefully by the end of the year). The days when I'm tired are interspersed with days when I'm tired and my ankles hurt. The protocol I'm following is quite aggressive, but certainly not boring and unbalanced. More on that perhaps in one of the Q&As.
New comment Mar 28
2 likes β€’ Mar 28
Nice one David!
Hi All! Just thought I’d post my recent progression here and start a bit of a thread of your successes tooπŸ‘ Weighed myself this morning and hit that lovely 1 and a half stone down milestone, this is 1.5 lost since January 2nd (took Jan 1st to be hungover and finish off the Christmas chocolate.) I feel like the calorie deficit has been an instant life changer and is the main part of my weight loss so far, but joining the gym has aided that and also given me a confidence boost in my day to day life and in my discipline. Have you guys found any other useful routine changes/tools have been nice additional factors that have helped get you to your goal? Unfortunately work has kept me away from the first 2 weekly calls, but hoping to see you all on the third! πŸ˜„
New comment Mar 15
1 like β€’ Mar 15
@Primoz Lazar Good stuff man! Thanks for letting me know, looking good πŸ˜ƒ
1 like β€’ Mar 15
@Ryan Nettleship thank you bro! My son is about that weight so it’s funny picking him up and thinking of it that way. Yep that’s actually how I’ve got it in mind right now, aiming to hit the 2 stone milestone by mid April so I can blow out for my 30th birthday πŸ˜† breaking it down works wonders. Thank you for the motivation as always dude.
Big Updates!
I'm almost there and ready to properly advertise this community. The name has changed to "The Weight Loss Blueprint", I've added a workout plan section, with detailed workouts for home & gym. There is a Food section too, displaying some protein source details, meal prep ideas, and a community section where I'll hopefully have some of you guys sending me some of your meal preps, so it'll be a one-stop-shop for all food inspiration! Check out the new sections and tell me what you think. I'm finally ready to advertise this community properly and get some new faces in here. There will be a membership fee to any NEW members. Will soon be announcing when the weekly/bi-weekly calls will take place, getting together on a zoom call to discuss everything diet, exercise and lifestyle. Hopefully to serve as a QnA space with healthy discussion.
New comment Mar 1
1 like β€’ Mar 1
The Process video really spoke to me, looking forward to watching the rest!
1-6 of 6
Josh Clutton
1point to level up
Hi πŸ‘‹

Active 47d ago
Joined Feb 21, 2024
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