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5 contributions to Facilitator Club
Live polling tools/apps? šŸ“Š
Howdy everybody! Can anyone recommend a tool/app that can be used for live polling in a workshop? e.g. participants log in via a link, vote, results are then displayed in real-time on a screen. I've found that when it comes to group voting, people are often influenced by senior stakeholders in the room which dilutes what people really feel about ideas/concepts on a wall. Tools like this (hopefully) remove that big-wig bias to make things more democratic. I've heard of an app called 'Slido', but any other recommendations that are EXTREMELY SIMPLE and idiot-proof to set up and use would be much appreciated. Thanks so much šŸ™šŸ¼
New comment Mar 4
0 likes ā€¢ Feb 26
@Rebecca Courtney thanks! I've looked at a few others and it seems Mentimeter has the best features, has the best UI and is the most intuitive to use. Your endorsement was the cherry šŸ‘šŸ¼
0 likes ā€¢ Feb 27
@Jeff Panning - thank you. I'll be sure to take a look šŸ‘šŸ¼
Seeking inspiration for an ideation workshop
Hi friends šŸ¤© I'm designing a 2 day product ideation workshop for a food brand. Much of the focus will require attendees to ideate around 2 to 3 consumer demand drivers. To do this, it's imperative that I get them in the right mental state change and 'shock' them out of their normal way of thinking so they can think in a really stretchy way and are perfectly primed to ideate. Anyone have any experience doing this that they'd be happy to share, or have any thought-starters? - could include: > Inviting customers into the room > Dressing the spaces according to the demand drivers we're ideating around > Using co-facilitators to act out appropriate scenarios which attendees interact with > etc Any thoughts would be massively appreciated šŸ™šŸ¼ Jon
New comment Feb 4
1 like ā€¢ Feb 4
Hey @Salah Bouchma - this is a great flow... Done this before by any chance? šŸ˜‰ Thank you so much!
Tips on instigating lateral thinking šŸŖ„
Hey Team-FC, Product innovation workshop advice: I'm looking for inspiration for how to get workshop attendees get out of their normal way of thinking so they can think in a really stretchy, lateral way. How have you instigated/experienced that necessary 'mental state' change to get ideas flowing out of people's heads? šŸ§  Any ideas would be most welcome/appreciated ;)
New comment Jan 25
1 like ā€¢ Jan 23
@Rob Stevens - I really love this 'Crazy Products' exercise - thanks so much for sharing. I can really see how this could unlock those rigid neural pathways in people's minds. As I mentioned to Rebecca, I'm also after any specific ideas on how to get attendees into the 'minds' of their customers at the point of need. Creating physical areas with props etc might help visually, but I'd like to create something specific to the trigger points in question. If you've ever seen/experienced anything that speaks to this, would love to hear your thoughts, Rob. Thanks again! JB
0 likes ā€¢ Jan 23
Thanks @Rob Stevens - will take a look. Really appreciate your thoughts! šŸ‘šŸ¼
Warm-up exercises for a small team 1-day workshop
Anyone have any ideas for light energising (but funny) warm-up exercises to open a small group workshop where the 9 participants all know each other really well? I'd like it to be funny and allow people to get over themselves so they open up for the subsequent exercises. I plan to do it straight after I go through the agenda for the day. Ta muchly! JB
New comment Sep '23
1 like ā€¢ Sep '23
This is great - thanks. Encouraging active listening is crucial in any type of group; I can see how this could be effective. Thanks
0 likes ā€¢ Sep '23
Thanks @Hilda Soto - nice idea!
Exercises for Co-Creating Mission/Vision Statements??
Hey FC'ers! Long-time admirer...first-time facilitator. Can anyone recommend specific workshop exercises for helping a senior leadership team align on its USPs (unique selling points), mission / vision statements, and value propositions? For context, the company in question (a medium sized advertising agency) is growing its clients and service offering extremely quickly. So quickly that it's becoming a different type of agency entirely. Aligning on these elements will be crucial during such immense change. Huge thanks in advance šŸ‘ŠšŸ¼ JB
New comment Jul '23
0 likes ā€¢ Jul '23
@Ren Yee Quek - thank you so much for this! I'll let you know how it all goes
0 likes ā€¢ Jul '23
@Elise Klawitter - thank you. I'm familiar with Sinek's Golden Circle, but never got round to reading his 'Start with Why'. Perhaps now is the time!
1-5 of 5
Jon Bezalel
1point to level up
Marketing & Advertising Strategist seeking facilitation skills for my consulting work

Active 144d ago
Joined Jun 28, 2023
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